10 comics about the possibilities of the Internet, which we desperately need in real life

Have you ever noticed that sometimes in real life we are missing some of the benefits of the Internet? Those wonderful buttons to instantly move between countries and interests or the x in the corner of the page, which could shut down a bad situation.

Illustrators Website fantasized how it would look, and I drew you these funny comics.











Illustrator Marat Nugumanov specifically for the Website

See also
What would the real world be like if we behaved in it like the Internet
13 illustrations from life, if we always told the truth
It would look like chemical elements, if there were people

via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/kak-by-vyglyadeli-himicheskie-elementy-esli-by-byli-lyudmi-1368665/


See also

New and interesting