Can you live for $5,000 a month without a mobile phone, internet or TV?
Do you think it's possible? life without the internet In the face of our realities? I'm inclined not to. After all, thanks to the Network, we not only have fun, but also work, communicate with other people and solve important tasks of a comprehensive scale. Without the internet, I wouldn’t be able to publish this article. You wouldn't be able to read it.
It turns out that in some sense we are dependent on the World Wide Web. But what if we assume that the Internet will disappear? Today I invite you to discuss this topic.
Life without the Internet Imagine the situation. You are offered a month to move to a wooden house in the woods. There will be plenty of water and food, however, you will have to cook on wood. You will not be able to go online. Telephone, radio and television will also be forgotten. At the end of this experiment, you will be paid a tidy sum of money. Would you?
I think that the prospect of earning a lot of people always attracts. But what price you will have to pay is a completely different question. Let’s be clear, not everyone is ready to abandon the usual rhythm of life and stop using the Internet. And the lack of television for some pensioners is akin to the end of the world.
However, it all feels a special charm. No less good! The lack of internet has many advantages. For example, you will have a lot more free time. And it can be used for good for yourself and loved ones. Read a fascinating book, spend a soulful family evening or just go for a walk.
If you give up at least a month of hopeless pastime on the Internet, the body will thank you. I bet you'll start falling asleep faster and your sleep will get stronger. The load on the eyes and neck will decrease, and the back will no longer hurt so much. It’s also likely that your brain will work differently. For example, memory and concentration will improve.
Despite all this, modern man without access to the Internet will be difficult. The number of internet users worldwide has increased from 16% to 59.5% over the past 15 years. A huge number of people work thanks to the World Wide Web. If you imagine for a second that the Internet will disappear in the world, it will affect absolutely all areas of life.
But perhaps the most frightening thing is humanity’s emotional attachment to the Internet. This dependence is no better than others, which in a civilized society are considered to be disastrous for existence. People begin to feel anxious and often lonely when they do not have the opportunity to go online.
Many are used to communicating with their colleagues, relatives and friends, communicating in social networks. And for some it is the only opportunity to communicate with relatives and close people. For example, call using Skype, Telegram or Viber.
“The Internet is largely designed for one purpose: to allow us to communicate with each other,” said Stanford University professor Jeff Hancock. And it really is. We live in a time when you don’t have to wait days and nights to hear from a friend who lives across a thousand lands. It is enough just to write with him in any messenger.
Without the Internet, people will begin to communicate more with each other in real life. It's actually possible. However, you need to understand that this can be banal uncomfortable. Still, the rhythm of life is now such that keeping up with some is simply unrealistic. The internet simplifies this process to a couple of clicks on a smartphone.
Life without the Internet is unlikely to ever become a reality. However, if you have the opportunity, be sure to do it yourself. information-detox. Dedicate time exclusively to yourself and take a break from all social networks. It doesn’t have to be a month. It only takes a couple of days to feel the difference between daily scrolling of a news feed and appeasement.
I wonder if you would do something like that? What role does the Internet play in your life?

It turns out that in some sense we are dependent on the World Wide Web. But what if we assume that the Internet will disappear? Today I invite you to discuss this topic.
Life without the Internet Imagine the situation. You are offered a month to move to a wooden house in the woods. There will be plenty of water and food, however, you will have to cook on wood. You will not be able to go online. Telephone, radio and television will also be forgotten. At the end of this experiment, you will be paid a tidy sum of money. Would you?

I think that the prospect of earning a lot of people always attracts. But what price you will have to pay is a completely different question. Let’s be clear, not everyone is ready to abandon the usual rhythm of life and stop using the Internet. And the lack of television for some pensioners is akin to the end of the world.
However, it all feels a special charm. No less good! The lack of internet has many advantages. For example, you will have a lot more free time. And it can be used for good for yourself and loved ones. Read a fascinating book, spend a soulful family evening or just go for a walk.

If you give up at least a month of hopeless pastime on the Internet, the body will thank you. I bet you'll start falling asleep faster and your sleep will get stronger. The load on the eyes and neck will decrease, and the back will no longer hurt so much. It’s also likely that your brain will work differently. For example, memory and concentration will improve.
Despite all this, modern man without access to the Internet will be difficult. The number of internet users worldwide has increased from 16% to 59.5% over the past 15 years. A huge number of people work thanks to the World Wide Web. If you imagine for a second that the Internet will disappear in the world, it will affect absolutely all areas of life.

But perhaps the most frightening thing is humanity’s emotional attachment to the Internet. This dependence is no better than others, which in a civilized society are considered to be disastrous for existence. People begin to feel anxious and often lonely when they do not have the opportunity to go online.
Many are used to communicating with their colleagues, relatives and friends, communicating in social networks. And for some it is the only opportunity to communicate with relatives and close people. For example, call using Skype, Telegram or Viber.

“The Internet is largely designed for one purpose: to allow us to communicate with each other,” said Stanford University professor Jeff Hancock. And it really is. We live in a time when you don’t have to wait days and nights to hear from a friend who lives across a thousand lands. It is enough just to write with him in any messenger.
Without the Internet, people will begin to communicate more with each other in real life. It's actually possible. However, you need to understand that this can be banal uncomfortable. Still, the rhythm of life is now such that keeping up with some is simply unrealistic. The internet simplifies this process to a couple of clicks on a smartphone.
Life without the Internet is unlikely to ever become a reality. However, if you have the opportunity, be sure to do it yourself. information-detox. Dedicate time exclusively to yourself and take a break from all social networks. It doesn’t have to be a month. It only takes a couple of days to feel the difference between daily scrolling of a news feed and appeasement.

I wonder if you would do something like that? What role does the Internet play in your life?
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