Oh, that embroidery! Stylish décor: 25 ideas for inspiration.
"Life is too short to do something other than embroidery!" — reads the statement which is familiar to many knitters who loves embroidery. Everyone knows that the art of embroidery has a long history.
In ancient times, embroidery on clothing and household items had a protective value. In the modern world we use embroidery mostly for decorating, creating beauty, comfort and shaping style.
Needlework for comfort in dooody my friend used embroidery in the decoration of the apartment, her room sparkle with new colors! Products of this kind of needlework that complements any living space and improve the atmosphere at home.
The editors of "Site" has prepared for you 25 great ideas cross stitch for home decor. Inimitable style!
Here's the ever-present embroidery! It should be noted that, according to popular notions, embroidery is not a simple decoration, and sacred process.
In the traditional folk culture of ornamental compositions was carried out with the aim of creating a talisman is a magical tool that helped to protect the wearer from illness, troubles and misfortunes. We wish you health, warmth, comfort and favorable weather in the house!
Share with your friends inspiration. These works of incredible beauty lift the spirits and inspire the creation of stylish interior decor with their hands.
The author
Anastasia Davidenko Nastya does yoga and loves travelling. Fashion, architecture and all fine — that aspires to a girl's heart! Anastasia is engaged in design of interiors and makes unique jewelry with a floral theme. Wants to live in France, learn the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. Believes that the person needs a lifetime to learn something new. Favorite Anastasia book — "Eat, pray, love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
In ancient times, embroidery on clothing and household items had a protective value. In the modern world we use embroidery mostly for decorating, creating beauty, comfort and shaping style.
Needlework for comfort in dooody my friend used embroidery in the decoration of the apartment, her room sparkle with new colors! Products of this kind of needlework that complements any living space and improve the atmosphere at home.
The editors of "Site" has prepared for you 25 great ideas cross stitch for home decor. Inimitable style!
- An unusual and interesting feature of the wall of the working area craftswomen.
- Feel the creative approach of the author of this creation.
- For fans to embroider! Why not decorate the result of their work, for example, the floor lamp?
- To implement this idea, you will need a white wall as a canvas, an enlarged diagram of any cross stitch, acrylic paint and a little inspiration!
- Elements of marine style can make the interior with embroidered panels depicting the anchor.
- Made with soul!
- Very nice, isn't it?
- Designer Charlotte Lancelot has designed the cross-stitch embroidery a collection of furniture, which was called Canevas Collection. Ottomans, couches, pillows, carpets and tapestries, they all got dressy "clothes" with colorful ornaments.
Canevas Collection is not covers and not the cushion on the furniture. This is a "live" embroidery directly on the canvas, more precisely, the grid of holes covering the surface of furniture and tapestries. Proven technique of cross-stitchthat almost all girls learn in school, the project received a modern interpretation, "moved" on a new surface, and thus literally arose again.
- Instead of traditional patterns and ornaments series Canevas Collection is covered by embroidery. The crosses are reminiscent of the pixels, and the images that they are folded, they look like they were made from building blocks a La Tetris or Legos.
The series of designer furniture from Charlotte Lancelot was first presented during the Milan design week at the Salone Del Mobile.
- Instead, people have simplified the process just by imitating embroidery. Widespread imitation in our days is used quite often in the desire the modern world to a quick result with minimal effort.
- This idea clearly belongs to the creative, loving flowers, woman.
- Interesting option for a child's room.
- Here is the process of decor.
- Look, look how gorgeous the flowers and other plants depicted in the rugs and tapestries!
- Another great source of inspiration for decorating the walls of the room.
- Don't be surprised embroidery is found even in the bathroom.
Loved this storage option toilet paper. Decided to take the idea on the arms and sew these sachets home.
- Adorable!
- A great solution for the bedroom.
- Want to do the same.
- Seemingly simple things, but after this clearance they have become a bright detail that will add spice to any kitchen.
- Interesting decoration your favorite home preservation.
The scheme of the embroidery.
- Englishwoman Claire Cole proved to embroider can not only fabrics, but also Wallpaper and interior panels. It develops and manufactures embroidered panel for interior designers, architects and private clients.
Her career is an example of how your favorite hobby could lead to a serious recognition of the world level.
- Inspired by vintage fabrics and retro Wallpaper, with the help of stitch combining different textures and fabrics (leather, suede, silk), she has developed innovative process of manufacturing of Wallpaper. This unique and luxurious embroidery transformerait walls into works of art.
Clients Claire are such luxury brands as Missoni, Anthroplogie, Paul Smith, Liberty. Give her the fashion house to Refine their collections, so she breathed life into them with collage, thread and needle.
- I liked the idea of the embroidery on the simulated furniture and hanging shelves.
- Who would have thought! Embroidery can decorate any thing in the house.
Here's the ever-present embroidery! It should be noted that, according to popular notions, embroidery is not a simple decoration, and sacred process.
In the traditional folk culture of ornamental compositions was carried out with the aim of creating a talisman is a magical tool that helped to protect the wearer from illness, troubles and misfortunes. We wish you health, warmth, comfort and favorable weather in the house!
Share with your friends inspiration. These works of incredible beauty lift the spirits and inspire the creation of stylish interior decor with their hands.
The author

Anastasia Davidenko Nastya does yoga and loves travelling. Fashion, architecture and all fine — that aspires to a girl's heart! Anastasia is engaged in design of interiors and makes unique jewelry with a floral theme. Wants to live in France, learn the language and keenly interested in the culture of this country. Believes that the person needs a lifetime to learn something new. Favorite Anastasia book — "Eat, pray, love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.
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