14 culinary experiments that resulted in complete failure

Seventy one million five hundred fifty eight thousand one hundred ninety

Every day thousands of cooks upload photos of dishes, most of which look like they've been cooked in the restaurant. Every day thousands of people from around the world are trying to repeat these works of culinary art in your own kitchen.

The website offers a look at the photos of the dishes, showing that not all of these attempts are successful. Not all.

Spongebob is not a cake

Order our cake, they said, we know our business, they said

Monsters Inc.


Who said "Cthulhu"?

I am an artist, I see

I call this masterpiece "Monday Morning"

Someone dissuade my wife from participating in the culinary competition

Nothing special. Just blue... duck?

I baked some cookies. One big delicious crispy cookies

At least the colors match perfectly

Just pears was not the sort of

When you're Santa Claus and you are already in the fifth apartment

I knew that I had to just eat these M&M's

Photos on the preview reddit, depositphotos

See also
14 people, which during the operation something went wrong
18 photos in which something went wrong

via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/eti-lyudi-hoteli-vypolnit-rabotu-na-otlichno-no-chto-to-poshlo-ne-tak-1351065/