19 comics, watching who think: "What the hell?!"
Ninety one million nine hundred ninety eight thousand eight hundred thirty two
Russian artist Anton Gudim has become extremely popular among Internet users all over the world. And this is the great ironic comics he definitely notices all the weirdness of modern life.
We at the Site believe that the illustrations of this young artist will help you to look at our world from a completely new angle.
See also
15 drawings by the artist that explains our entire life in cats
7 comics for those who can use sarcasm to perfection
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/7-komiksov-dlya-teh-kto-vladeet-sarkazmom-v-sovershenstve-1500715/
Russian artist Anton Gudim has become extremely popular among Internet users all over the world. And this is the great ironic comics he definitely notices all the weirdness of modern life.
We at the Site believe that the illustrations of this young artist will help you to look at our world from a completely new angle.

See also
15 drawings by the artist that explains our entire life in cats
7 comics for those who can use sarcasm to perfection
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-hudozhniki/7-komiksov-dlya-teh-kto-vladeet-sarkazmom-v-sovershenstve-1500715/
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