The story of how one smart horse to the impound lot got
Forty three million eight hundred three thousand one hundred eighteen
Some time ago I worked in GAI. As something happened we have a funny incident. My partner stopped a horse-drawn wagon, which quietly sleeping the time when the driver. It turns out that the horse was guided by no one she was going on with my life, on autopilot.
The negligent driver, along with his transport taken to the police station to take shape. The horse we left at the impound lot, located just outside the office. Animal felt sorry, so he brought some hay and water.
Couple of hours later the driver woke up, he was sworn, took the receipt with a fine, took his faithful horse and cart and went home. Has not passed also several days as the office seemed familiar horse and cart, where you slept, the same drunk driver.
Oil painting: the horse is striding confidently in the direction of the impound yard, where yesterday it well fed and watered. Stood in the place worth it. Obviously, I decided the heavy burden on the hay with water to change.
via factroom.ru
Some time ago I worked in GAI. As something happened we have a funny incident. My partner stopped a horse-drawn wagon, which quietly sleeping the time when the driver. It turns out that the horse was guided by no one she was going on with my life, on autopilot.
The negligent driver, along with his transport taken to the police station to take shape. The horse we left at the impound lot, located just outside the office. Animal felt sorry, so he brought some hay and water.
Couple of hours later the driver woke up, he was sworn, took the receipt with a fine, took his faithful horse and cart and went home. Has not passed also several days as the office seemed familiar horse and cart, where you slept, the same drunk driver.
Oil painting: the horse is striding confidently in the direction of the impound yard, where yesterday it well fed and watered. Stood in the place worth it. Obviously, I decided the heavy burden on the hay with water to change.
via factroom.ru
How I almost brought Jehovah's Witnesses to a heart attack
"Tell me, captain, how did you lose your eye?"