White Horse: drawing on a hill shrouded in mystery
White Horse, which rests on a hill near the ancient fortress in England, was founded more than three hundred years ago, though no one knows why, and by whom.
In prehistoric times, the hill served as a mound, as evidenced by human remains found here. It is interesting that in place of the horse, according to scientists, there was some other figure, which was visible on the hill for three millennia. White horse, as we see it now, loomed on the hill in 1778. Unfortunately, the previous drawing literally gone into oblivion, because all traces of it were destroyed by the new pattern. Even though the story of the white horse, which seems, scientists need to know everything is shrouded in mystery and even mysticism.
No one is sure who carved horse on the hill, which today is one of the brightest attractions Bratton-Fleming. But, of course, there are a lot of stories, most of which belong to the XVIII century. It has been speculated that the horse was painted as a memorial monument to one of the successful battles of British troops led by King Alfred. However, no concrete evidence that historians have not found. The horse was also the heraldic symbol of the royal family in the XVIII century, on the orders that may have been painted a huge white horse on a green hill.
Not so long ago a huge picture of a white horse was filled with cement, and then in 2007 there were carried out restoration work.
However, as a result of natural influences on the concrete already visible cracks or signs of wear.

In prehistoric times, the hill served as a mound, as evidenced by human remains found here. It is interesting that in place of the horse, according to scientists, there was some other figure, which was visible on the hill for three millennia. White horse, as we see it now, loomed on the hill in 1778. Unfortunately, the previous drawing literally gone into oblivion, because all traces of it were destroyed by the new pattern. Even though the story of the white horse, which seems, scientists need to know everything is shrouded in mystery and even mysticism.

No one is sure who carved horse on the hill, which today is one of the brightest attractions Bratton-Fleming. But, of course, there are a lot of stories, most of which belong to the XVIII century. It has been speculated that the horse was painted as a memorial monument to one of the successful battles of British troops led by King Alfred. However, no concrete evidence that historians have not found. The horse was also the heraldic symbol of the royal family in the XVIII century, on the orders that may have been painted a huge white horse on a green hill.

Not so long ago a huge picture of a white horse was filled with cement, and then in 2007 there were carried out restoration work.

However, as a result of natural influences on the concrete already visible cracks or signs of wear.