Amusing anecdote about the hapless novice hairdresser
Forty three million nine hundred twenty thousand one hundred thirty one
One well-known hairdresser hired vypuskavshemusya just out of College young man. On the first day to him for a haircut, a man came. The student began working for his actions intently watched the main Barber. Suddenly he heard the confused whispers of a young man:
Sorry, I accidentally cut you... — he said to his client.
He did not have time to respond immediately to the chair ran over the foreman and tried to give inept young Barber upside the head, but he dodged it, and the hairdresser, missing, hit the customer right in the forehead. This was followed by many apologies from the student and from the teacher, then the boy began again to cut customer.
— Oh, sorry, I cut you again.
The situation with the head of master craftsmen, destined for the student, but which the client repeated several times. The young man with trembling hands tried to finish the haircut…
— Excuse me, excuse me! I accidentally cut off your ear... How can that be? — looking for help, cried the student.
— Chief master noticed it? — filed the voice of the customer.
— No, it didn't seem to notice.
— Then throw out this piece fast!
via factroom.ru
One well-known hairdresser hired vypuskavshemusya just out of College young man. On the first day to him for a haircut, a man came. The student began working for his actions intently watched the main Barber. Suddenly he heard the confused whispers of a young man:
Sorry, I accidentally cut you... — he said to his client.
He did not have time to respond immediately to the chair ran over the foreman and tried to give inept young Barber upside the head, but he dodged it, and the hairdresser, missing, hit the customer right in the forehead. This was followed by many apologies from the student and from the teacher, then the boy began again to cut customer.
— Oh, sorry, I cut you again.
The situation with the head of master craftsmen, destined for the student, but which the client repeated several times. The young man with trembling hands tried to finish the haircut…
— Excuse me, excuse me! I accidentally cut off your ear... How can that be? — looking for help, cried the student.
— Chief master noticed it? — filed the voice of the customer.
— No, it didn't seem to notice.
— Then throw out this piece fast!
via factroom.ru
Worked on "fast" as some call us for a dying grandmother...
How I almost brought Jehovah's Witnesses to a heart attack