Seventy two million four hundred seventy three thousand sixty seven
Gray hair — the natural aging symptom, which is difficult to surprise. Someone refers to her quietly and in no hurry to take action, and someone tries it to paint.
However, if gray appeared in person under the age of 30, one hair can not do here. We at
the Website decided to find out what can talk appeared prematurely silver hair.
The researchers found that
rapid graying in men is often associated with
increased risk of coronary heart disease. As at the initial stage of coronary artery disease has no symptoms, quickly graying men need
to be screened regularly by a cardiologist.
Normally our hair follicles
produce small amounts of peroxide. But, accumulated, it discolors the hair. Such deviation
is treated using UV-activated mixture. It is also used in the violation of skin pigmentation.
Scientists have found that
a lack of vitamin D3 leads to the loss of melanin (the substance responsible for skin color and hair). The same happens
with a lack of vitamin B12. Sometimes, in order to stop graying enough
to go on a balanced diet.
It is proved that
smokers are turning gray much fasterthan those who have never touched cigarettes. Therefore, smokers may not be surprised premature gray hairs. By the way, this habit
also encourages early baldness.
Premature grey hair can speak not only on deviations, but on natural characteristics of the organism. So, people who have parents
started to gray up to 30 years, see the first grey hairs as before. Scientists have even found
genes that are responsible for premature graying and inherited. See also
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