The kids in the cell: the secrets of the perfect space family communication
Comfort — the notion of purely individual. Great feel in the Palace, and someone very comfortable in a small room. For example, Peter I liked the small space and during a trip to the Netherlands was sleeping in the closet.Nothing surprising. Small space, many associated with security.
Considered to be: the larger the room the better, but some feel in such a situation uncomfortable.
On the other, on the contrary, "under pressure" of the walls and low ceiling.
The ideal has always been considered the so-called "Golden section", when the ratio of length and width approximately equal to 1.62.
But as it turned out, each person has their own favorite proportions.
House for humans is not just a creation of his hands, but also a reflection of the inner world, the microcosm (C. G. Jung).
In appearance and decoration of a dwelling can be judged about its owner:
By the way, psihodizayna believe that psychologically verified living space can add 5-10 years of life. The psychologist Jean Becchio advised to change the situation, including an apartment, and not less than once in 2-3 years to completely change the interior.
This is all difficult enough for an adult! And what about the baby?
How to create a comfortable environment for your child?
On this account there are countless tips and recommendations. But, first of all, there are generally accepted norms and standards developed by health professionals for the healthy development of children and adolescents. According to norms, to the harmonious development of the growing organism requires certain conditions:
So, in educational institution should be provided:
In the premises of educational institutions , the relative humidity should correspond to 40 — 60 %, speed of air movement - 0,1 m/sec.
Important fact — the presence of the window, preferably large size. Ideal — French Windows, extending daylight in the apartment on average for an hour.
Ophthalmologists claim that in low light of the room students too low tilt your head when reading, writing and homework. This causes enhanced blood flow to the eyeball, exerting additional pressure, which causes it to change its shape and contributes to the development of myopia. To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure the penetration of direct sunlight into the room and to strictly observe the norms of artificial lighting.
By the way, among the unusual formats of apartments, the palm at the end of 2016 has got to the apartments with French Windows. According to the rating of Urban Group, about this solution in my apartment is the dream of every second buyer of the property.
What will help create comfort and safety in the nursery? Here are some tips from designer Ruslan Klinicheskogo:
"The most important thing in the nursery is the safety and comfort of the child.
Comfort you can provide the best arrangement of furniture and finishing materials, the choice of which to trust your child that will teach him responsibility, because when the child chose the Wallpaper, then the probability that he will paint them is unlikely.
But the issue of security must be approached independently, but given the characteristics of the child. For example, any furniture in the nursery must be securely fastened to the walls to prevent the possibility of tipping over.
For us it's just a rack, but for a child can be a jungle gym for climbing or a diving Board — the imagination of children is limitless.
The sharp corners of furniture in the nursery is unacceptable, but not in a hurry to purchase furniture with the "rounded" shapes — if the furniture placed according to the laws of ergonomics, it is possible to eliminate a dangerous situation with the corners.
In the nursery is also important the level of insolation penetration of sunlight into the room. Sunlight not only creates a psychological comfort, but also kills germs and bacteria, so choosing location children's room in the apartment, it is desirable to arrange the direction of South or South-West — this allows sunlight to enter premises for a longer period in our Northern latitudes."
It is important to remember not only about the square footage of apartment and number of rooms, but also about the amount of cubic meters of indoor air, experts remind Urban Group. According to the study developer, the most comfortable ceiling height in the apartment is three meters and above. High ceilings increase the volume of the housing, and play an important role in improving air quality, as the oxygen supply for each person increases. Even in conditions where the ventilation is impossible or restricted, maintained the favorable microclimate, due to concentrations of dust, impurities and carbon dioxide is greatly reduced.
Hygiene is also directly linked to the height of the living space. With higher ceilings, the lighting devices located at a comfortable level, the light is more diffused and reflected. This reduces tension of the nervous system and maintain health. Sunlight, in particular ultraviolet rays, promote growth and development of the child's body. They reduce the risk of spread of communicable diseases and provide for the formation of vitamin D, which influences bone tissue formation and strengthening of the skeletal system of the child.
Viktor Panov, doctor of psychology and head of the laboratory of Ecopsychology development of Psychological Institute of RAO, studying the living environment as the conditions and factors of human mental development argues that in order to feel safe and comfortable, have enough personal space – you need to it was full of needed items. While studying child psychology in an urban apartment notes that teenagers, who had his room, usually grow more passive, and they have rarely manifested a desire to be leaders and the need for creative activity.
Some advice from a child psychologist Nina Shkileva:
"Space factor greatly affects the development of children and on family life in General. What is family life in the “outside” world, is due to internal, mental life — relationships, shared interests, the ability to retire. If the family is difficult to understand which stuff is whose place, it is likely as difficult to understand, where whose wishes and feelings.
About the second or third year of life the child receive the idea of what is “mine.” My toys, my bed, my room. It is very desirable that at this age, the room, the child appeared. Later, at preschool age and especially when entering school, it becomes of special importance. This is an opportunity to be alone, and responsibility, and choice in the organization of space. Well, when the child has the ability at will to arrange the furniture and to arrange the toys. For a teenager single room is also very important.
Today's children spend more time at home than walk, so is good if space allows child to move freely and play.
Understanding one's own borders is impossible without the limits of the other, so the parents ' room, their personal space is also required. Sometimes it so happens that there is enough space for parents and children, but all mixed, all live everywhere. Or children do not give parents opportunities to be alone. This can create difficulties for older and younger family members.
The total space is convenient for all family members, allows you to unite, spend time together and strengthen relationships.
Of course, increasing the number of rooms is not psychotherapy. But as an aid it works".published
Author: Natalia Bessonova, especially for
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //Natalia Bessonova

Considered to be: the larger the room the better, but some feel in such a situation uncomfortable.
On the other, on the contrary, "under pressure" of the walls and low ceiling.
The ideal has always been considered the so-called "Golden section", when the ratio of length and width approximately equal to 1.62.
But as it turned out, each person has their own favorite proportions.
House for humans is not just a creation of his hands, but also a reflection of the inner world, the microcosm (C. G. Jung).
In appearance and decoration of a dwelling can be judged about its owner:
- colors will tell about the mood,
- the amount of furniture and life — traits;
- lighting, size of rooms and height of ceilings — about the development of a creative personality.

By the way, psihodizayna believe that psychologically verified living space can add 5-10 years of life. The psychologist Jean Becchio advised to change the situation, including an apartment, and not less than once in 2-3 years to completely change the interior.
This is all difficult enough for an adult! And what about the baby?
How to create a comfortable environment for your child?
On this account there are countless tips and recommendations. But, first of all, there are generally accepted norms and standards developed by health professionals for the healthy development of children and adolescents. According to norms, to the harmonious development of the growing organism requires certain conditions:
- fresh air,
- the level of natural lighting,
- humidity conditions,
- specific dimensions of the premises
So, in educational institution should be provided:
- the sleeping quarters area of not less than 4 m2 per person,
- rooms for self-preparation area of not less than 2.5 m2 per person.
In the premises of educational institutions , the relative humidity should correspond to 40 — 60 %, speed of air movement - 0,1 m/sec.
Important fact — the presence of the window, preferably large size. Ideal — French Windows, extending daylight in the apartment on average for an hour.
Ophthalmologists claim that in low light of the room students too low tilt your head when reading, writing and homework. This causes enhanced blood flow to the eyeball, exerting additional pressure, which causes it to change its shape and contributes to the development of myopia. To avoid this, it is necessary to ensure the penetration of direct sunlight into the room and to strictly observe the norms of artificial lighting.
By the way, among the unusual formats of apartments, the palm at the end of 2016 has got to the apartments with French Windows. According to the rating of Urban Group, about this solution in my apartment is the dream of every second buyer of the property.

What will help create comfort and safety in the nursery? Here are some tips from designer Ruslan Klinicheskogo:
"The most important thing in the nursery is the safety and comfort of the child.
Comfort you can provide the best arrangement of furniture and finishing materials, the choice of which to trust your child that will teach him responsibility, because when the child chose the Wallpaper, then the probability that he will paint them is unlikely.
But the issue of security must be approached independently, but given the characteristics of the child. For example, any furniture in the nursery must be securely fastened to the walls to prevent the possibility of tipping over.
For us it's just a rack, but for a child can be a jungle gym for climbing or a diving Board — the imagination of children is limitless.
The sharp corners of furniture in the nursery is unacceptable, but not in a hurry to purchase furniture with the "rounded" shapes — if the furniture placed according to the laws of ergonomics, it is possible to eliminate a dangerous situation with the corners.
In the nursery is also important the level of insolation penetration of sunlight into the room. Sunlight not only creates a psychological comfort, but also kills germs and bacteria, so choosing location children's room in the apartment, it is desirable to arrange the direction of South or South-West — this allows sunlight to enter premises for a longer period in our Northern latitudes."
It is important to remember not only about the square footage of apartment and number of rooms, but also about the amount of cubic meters of indoor air, experts remind Urban Group. According to the study developer, the most comfortable ceiling height in the apartment is three meters and above. High ceilings increase the volume of the housing, and play an important role in improving air quality, as the oxygen supply for each person increases. Even in conditions where the ventilation is impossible or restricted, maintained the favorable microclimate, due to concentrations of dust, impurities and carbon dioxide is greatly reduced.
Hygiene is also directly linked to the height of the living space. With higher ceilings, the lighting devices located at a comfortable level, the light is more diffused and reflected. This reduces tension of the nervous system and maintain health. Sunlight, in particular ultraviolet rays, promote growth and development of the child's body. They reduce the risk of spread of communicable diseases and provide for the formation of vitamin D, which influences bone tissue formation and strengthening of the skeletal system of the child.
Viktor Panov, doctor of psychology and head of the laboratory of Ecopsychology development of Psychological Institute of RAO, studying the living environment as the conditions and factors of human mental development argues that in order to feel safe and comfortable, have enough personal space – you need to it was full of needed items. While studying child psychology in an urban apartment notes that teenagers, who had his room, usually grow more passive, and they have rarely manifested a desire to be leaders and the need for creative activity.
Some advice from a child psychologist Nina Shkileva:
"Space factor greatly affects the development of children and on family life in General. What is family life in the “outside” world, is due to internal, mental life — relationships, shared interests, the ability to retire. If the family is difficult to understand which stuff is whose place, it is likely as difficult to understand, where whose wishes and feelings.

About the second or third year of life the child receive the idea of what is “mine.” My toys, my bed, my room. It is very desirable that at this age, the room, the child appeared. Later, at preschool age and especially when entering school, it becomes of special importance. This is an opportunity to be alone, and responsibility, and choice in the organization of space. Well, when the child has the ability at will to arrange the furniture and to arrange the toys. For a teenager single room is also very important.
Today's children spend more time at home than walk, so is good if space allows child to move freely and play.
Understanding one's own borders is impossible without the limits of the other, so the parents ' room, their personal space is also required. Sometimes it so happens that there is enough space for parents and children, but all mixed, all live everywhere. Or children do not give parents opportunities to be alone. This can create difficulties for older and younger family members.
The total space is convenient for all family members, allows you to unite, spend time together and strengthen relationships.
Of course, increasing the number of rooms is not psychotherapy. But as an aid it works".published
Author: Natalia Bessonova, especially for
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //Natalia Bessonova
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