Home Life Hack: Nettle instead of poisons and pesticides!
On the basis of nettle, you can prepare funds that will contribute to the growth and development of many garden crops.
How to prepare harmless natural remedies
1. Nettle infusion as a liquid fertilizer.
It is prepared in the same way as the above infusion, however, before spraying it must be strained and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20.
Infusion of nettle is an excellent assistant in the fight against aphids:
Among other things, with the help of nettles, it is possible to prevent an outbreak of tomato phytofluorosis if the plants are treated in time with fermented infusion of this weed.
Many summer residents believe that the location of beds with tomatoes near the place where nettle grows, certainly gives only positive results - the fruits collected from them are stored much longer.published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: //vk.com/bg.garden?w=wall-83256494_40926
How to prepare harmless natural remedies

1. Nettle infusion as a liquid fertilizer.
- In spring or summer, until the nettle begins to form seeds, collect young stems and, finely crushed, fill them with a plastic or wooden container exactly half the volume.
- On top, pour the mass with water, about ten centimeters below the upper edge of the container, and cover. Leave everything for two weeks for the nettle to ferment.
- When the infusion ceases to bubble and acquires a dark color, safely use it for watering vegetable crops, having previously diluted it with water at the rate of 1:10.
It is prepared in the same way as the above infusion, however, before spraying it must be strained and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20.
Infusion of nettle is an excellent assistant in the fight against aphids:
- It is necessary to collect 1-2 kilograms of fresh nettle leaves, pour them with a bucket of water and allow them to infuse during the day, after which the infusion will be ready, and it can be used as a spraying agent for affected aphids of plants, even without diluting with water.

Among other things, with the help of nettles, it is possible to prevent an outbreak of tomato phytofluorosis if the plants are treated in time with fermented infusion of this weed.
Many summer residents believe that the location of beds with tomatoes near the place where nettle grows, certainly gives only positive results - the fruits collected from them are stored much longer.published
P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness – together we change the world!
Source: //vk.com/bg.garden?w=wall-83256494_40926
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