Strict teacher and a problem student
Fourteen million one hundred fifty one thousand one hundred eighty
In the late nineties, my mother was the class teacher in the "problem" class, but quickly found a common language with difficult teenagers, so any problems was not with them. To one case.
One day my mother came to work in new winter boots that had been saving for a long time, I changed the shoes and left them in the locker room. And when it's time to go for lunch, the new boots still was not there! Of course, my mother was very upset, even cried. But then I saw her "the most troublesome student in school" and asked what happened. Mom told him about the missing boots, and the guy just nodded and left. And left mum to sit in the locker room without shoes and in tears.
Towards the end of lunch she was approached by this "the problem student" and handed the package of stolen boots. Mom's a natural question, how he found them, the boy responded that "politely" asking around with friends, figured out exactly who took the boots, and explained that this should not be done. Mom, of course, was very grateful to him, but still asked why he decided to help her. On "the troubled student" said:
— A worthless favorite teacher throwing money.
via factroom.ru
In the late nineties, my mother was the class teacher in the "problem" class, but quickly found a common language with difficult teenagers, so any problems was not with them. To one case.
One day my mother came to work in new winter boots that had been saving for a long time, I changed the shoes and left them in the locker room. And when it's time to go for lunch, the new boots still was not there! Of course, my mother was very upset, even cried. But then I saw her "the most troublesome student in school" and asked what happened. Mom told him about the missing boots, and the guy just nodded and left. And left mum to sit in the locker room without shoes and in tears.
Towards the end of lunch she was approached by this "the problem student" and handed the package of stolen boots. Mom's a natural question, how he found them, the boy responded that "politely" asking around with friends, figured out exactly who took the boots, and explained that this should not be done. Mom, of course, was very grateful to him, but still asked why he decided to help her. On "the troubled student" said:
— A worthless favorite teacher throwing money.
via factroom.ru
Lead one day to a young newbie surgeon for a checkup of the girl...
The cheapest taxi to the airport