Best day of the week

Once a disciple asked the master:

— Teacher, tell me, is there a day that is most favorable to reach the buyer?

— Day? — surprised the Teacher.

Well, maybe day of the week or of the month...

— Ah, day of the week... — nodded the Teacher. — Yes, of course. This day — Wednesday — and slyly looked at the students. They grabbed his notebook and began to record what was said by the Teacher.

— Why aren't you writing this down? — strictly he asked the disciple, who sat upright and smiled, looking at the Teacher.

Because I know you'll say next, the Teacher.

— And what happens? Teacher, frowning, raised his hand, and all the students froze. Then the student who did not write, he said:

Is also Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Thursday and Sunday.

"Right," the Teacher said. Only I wanted to call first to Friday and then Tuesday.

The disciples murmur, rejoicing that their friend said almost everything right. And then one of them asked:

— Teacher, it is this sequence?

The teacher looked at the student who almost gave the correct answer and made him a sign with his hand:

— The answer!

One day, ' he said. This day — today.published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: /users/4