"Source of happiness"
- I gave you the knowledge, but the happiness everyone should find himself - said the teacher students who have completed shkolu.
- Teacher, happiness always ends too soon, - said someone.
- There is a light at the inexhaustible source of happiness. Whoever finds him happy all my life - said the teacher.
Students said goodbye and promised to come back three years later to tell the teacher about your search.
Time flew by quickly. The first student has not returned, but only sent a letter to the teacher: "I found the source of happiness - is power. I have successfully climb the ladder of power and hope to reach its upper stage ».
The second disciple also sent a note to the teacher, "the source of happiness - this wealth».
The third disciple did not sent, but the teacher said that he became a mighty warrior and went with an army to conquer another country. "Apparently, my student decided to conquer their happiness by force" - sadly thought the teacher.
Only the fourth disciple returned to the teacher and told that he had become a healer.
- I walked the Earth, treated people. People were happy and become happier. If you bring happiness to people, it will always be next to you, - said the disciple.
- Do you understand the main thing, my pupil - teacher said happily. - An inexhaustible source of happiness - is the desire to do good. The more a person derives from such a source, the happier he becomes.

- Teacher, happiness always ends too soon, - said someone.
- There is a light at the inexhaustible source of happiness. Whoever finds him happy all my life - said the teacher.
Students said goodbye and promised to come back three years later to tell the teacher about your search.
Time flew by quickly. The first student has not returned, but only sent a letter to the teacher: "I found the source of happiness - is power. I have successfully climb the ladder of power and hope to reach its upper stage ».
The second disciple also sent a note to the teacher, "the source of happiness - this wealth».
The third disciple did not sent, but the teacher said that he became a mighty warrior and went with an army to conquer another country. "Apparently, my student decided to conquer their happiness by force" - sadly thought the teacher.
Only the fourth disciple returned to the teacher and told that he had become a healer.
- I walked the Earth, treated people. People were happy and become happier. If you bring happiness to people, it will always be next to you, - said the disciple.
- Do you understand the main thing, my pupil - teacher said happily. - An inexhaustible source of happiness - is the desire to do good. The more a person derives from such a source, the happier he becomes.