The creative Duo Hani long & Prue Stent

The creative Duo Hani long & Prue Stent (Honey Long and Prue Stent) is a multidisciplinary artists who work, combining photography, performance, installation and sculpture. Their works are spontaneous and playful, the result is often unexpected and random. Their teamwork destroys the constructs of consciousness and represents an alternative, challenging about the representation of reality.

Seventy three million seven hundred ninety three thousand seven hundred thirty one

Fifty seven million four hundred nineteen thousand six hundred seventy one

Seventy million two hundred fifty five thousand five

Eighty four million three hundred ninety nine thousand one hundred seventeen

Twenty six million seven hundred ninety four thousand nine hundred forty nine

Thirty three million eight hundred sixty five thousand two hundred fifty

Ten million six hundred eighty eight thousand one hundred ninety nine

Seventy million five thousand seven hundred ninety one

Thirty four million one hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred eighteen

Eighty five million six hundred twenty three thousand five hundred seventy seven

Forty one million eighty eight thousand three hundred sixty eight

Twenty seven million nine hundred sixty six thousand two hundred sixty five

Twenty three million four hundred three thousand eight hundred thirty four