How to look like the offices of world-renowned companies
Ninety two million four hundred fifty thousand five hundred fifty two
Many modern companies have realized: that the staff were not exhausted imagination, diligence and of course, the desire to work, they need to create inspiring space to work. And it's not just colored the walls, and all kinds of entertainment like Lounges, gaming zones, corporate cafes, gyms, seasoned with the extraordinary design.
The website decided to look into the creative offices of famous companies.
Headquarters in California, USA
Office in Paris
Office in London
The office in Dublin
Office in tel Aviv
Office in Singapore
The office in Austin (USA)
Office in Zurich
Office in Los Angeles
Office in San Francisco
Office in Hong Kong
The office in Sao Paulo
The office in Milan
Office in London
San Francisco
Office in Toronto
Bonus: Website
Photos on the preview lisa_lee07, jamesbwhiteside
See also
As a lunch at the offices of global companies
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/kak-obedayut-v-ofisah-mirovyh-kompanij-1209160/
Many modern companies have realized: that the staff were not exhausted imagination, diligence and of course, the desire to work, they need to create inspiring space to work. And it's not just colored the walls, and all kinds of entertainment like Lounges, gaming zones, corporate cafes, gyms, seasoned with the extraordinary design.
The website decided to look into the creative offices of famous companies.

Headquarters in California, USA
Office in Paris
Office in London
The office in Dublin
Office in tel Aviv
Office in Singapore
The office in Austin (USA)
Office in Zurich
Office in Los Angeles

Office in San Francisco
Office in Hong Kong
The office in Sao Paulo
The office in Milan
Office in London

San Francisco
Office in Toronto

Bonus: Website
Photos on the preview lisa_lee07, jamesbwhiteside
See also
As a lunch at the offices of global companies
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/kak-obedayut-v-ofisah-mirovyh-kompanij-1209160/