Pictures that inspire learning! 50 new words in one night.
Cards — the best illustrative material for the study of foreign languages. Today our editorial team will share a bright collection of cards that you can print and use for learning English.
How to memorize English words

How to memorize English words
- Cards with pictures of animals you can use to play "Who is it?". The rules are pretty simple: you need to prepare the cards and put them in a small bag or just in a pile, face up. Then each player must take one card and without showing it to others, to try to describe the animal depicted on the picture. For example: It has got very big ears and a small tail. It likes bananas and apples, but it doesn't like meat. Who is it? (It's an elephant.)
- For learning words on the subject of vegetables and fruit is perfect game "What's missing". It is necessary to lay out the cards in several rows, then the host tells all the players "Close your eyes!". The players close their eyes, and he hides one of the cards. When the card is hidden, the presenter says to all: "Open your eyes!". The participants have to guess which card from hid is a leading. This game will appeal to children from 3 to 6 years.
- Adults will enjoy more the game is called "Memory game". You want to print the set of cards in two copies. Before the game, all cards should be put on the table in several rows, face down. Each player should turn over two cards and name the word shown in the picture (of course, in English). If the player drew two different cards, they need to be put in the same locations. If the cards were the same, the player picks them up. The winner is the one who collects the most cards.
- Also adults will enjoy the game named "Cowboy". The players should stand in a small circle facing each other. Everyone takes the picture and hides it behind his back. On the count of three the players show each other the cards. The one who first calls the word of the enemy, "shoots" and, accordingly, wins.
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