Try to look at these things and not want to buy them
Eighty million three hundred thirty three thousand eight hundred eighty seven
Twenty three million six hundred ninety four thousand nine hundred seventy six
Designers continue to delight us with new and new inventions, and we rejoice in their inexhaustible imagination.
Presently Site found 15 unusual things that you may want to purchase to gift to loved ones or a favorite.
Handy butter knife
Due to its unusual design, the ButterUp knife will easily cope even with the solid butter.
A gadget that turns a smartphone retroelements
Smartphone Magnifier is a cute box with a magnifying glass. It allows users to watch favorite movies on a smartphone with more convenience than ever before, magnifying the image on the screen twice.
Magnetic holder for smartphone
Mengo holder fits most smartphones and GPS-navigators. 4 strong magnets hold your device securely at any angle.
The shoelaces do not need to constantly tie
These flexible laces do not have to constantly tie and untie — it is enough to push them into the shoes and fasten. They are well drawn, thereby turning shoes or sneakers to slip-ons, are convenient to put on and take off.
Adhesive tape for anyone who loves LEGO
This tape is compatible with blocks of LEGO and allows you to place them on any surface, for example on the wall or refrigerator door. In addition, using "LEGO tape" you can build curved objects, such as roads, rivers and bridges.
Holding device headphone
BudStraps will be useful for those people whose headphones are constantly falling, such as during sports.
The cube, which helps to focus
Fidget Cube — cube, the faces of which are buttons, wheels and switch — in short, all you need to get started. Toy makers claim that it will be able to replace the person handles and other items that he likes to hold in his hands. Thus, the cube will help its owner to remove the stress and focus on everyday tasks.
"Smart" fitness tracker
Cheap Misfit Shine device automatically calculates distance traveled and calories burned, recognizes the phases of sleep and syncs with a smartphone. In addition, the tracker has replaceable battery, capacity which lasts for 6 months.
Roses that do not wither for 3 years
Not very cheap, but how beautiful! However, there is more accessible and less attractive option. How to assure manufacturers, it will delight its owner from six months to 5 years.
Levitating speakers for fans of "Star wars"
Fans of the cult Saga will be in seventh heaven such a gift. Perhaps it would even Darth Vader himself.
Compact multitool 15 in 1
This device easily fits in the palm of your hand and contains as much as 15 tools: flat and Phillips screwdrivers, set of hex keys, key-asterisk T25, set of wrenches, nail puller, pry bar and a flashlight.
Set of lenses for the camera of a smartphone or tablet
In GoStellar Universal kit contains three lenses: wide angle, ultra wide angle (fisheye) and macroline. Very convenient for those who love photography but can't always carry a bulky camera.
Shoes Shooz consists of two parts: upper and sole, which are connected with each other by using a zipper. Thanks to this solution the various types of soles and upper parts can be combined, each time receiving a new pair of shoes.
Backlight socket for
The perfect solution for those who sometimes have to look for the socket in the dark. Such lighting consumes minimum power and can be used as a nightlight.
"Archaeological" soap
Archaeology is hidden inside a Soap plastic figures of dinosaurs that have "open" as you use soap for its intended purpose. Each layer represents a specific archaeological period. And practical and informative, especially for children.
Photos on the preview cnet.com
See also
15 clever inventions that we still don't sell
25 insanely cute stuff that everyone will want to have in your home
17 indecent cool designer pieces that got us excited this year
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/17-neprilichno-krutyh-dizajnerskih-shtuk-kotorye-priveli-nas-v-vostorg-v-etom-godu-1393765/
Twenty three million six hundred ninety four thousand nine hundred seventy six
Designers continue to delight us with new and new inventions, and we rejoice in their inexhaustible imagination.
Presently Site found 15 unusual things that you may want to purchase to gift to loved ones or a favorite.
Handy butter knife

Due to its unusual design, the ButterUp knife will easily cope even with the solid butter.
A gadget that turns a smartphone retroelements

Smartphone Magnifier is a cute box with a magnifying glass. It allows users to watch favorite movies on a smartphone with more convenience than ever before, magnifying the image on the screen twice.
Magnetic holder for smartphone

Mengo holder fits most smartphones and GPS-navigators. 4 strong magnets hold your device securely at any angle.
The shoelaces do not need to constantly tie

These flexible laces do not have to constantly tie and untie — it is enough to push them into the shoes and fasten. They are well drawn, thereby turning shoes or sneakers to slip-ons, are convenient to put on and take off.
Adhesive tape for anyone who loves LEGO

This tape is compatible with blocks of LEGO and allows you to place them on any surface, for example on the wall or refrigerator door. In addition, using "LEGO tape" you can build curved objects, such as roads, rivers and bridges.
Holding device headphone

BudStraps will be useful for those people whose headphones are constantly falling, such as during sports.
The cube, which helps to focus

Fidget Cube — cube, the faces of which are buttons, wheels and switch — in short, all you need to get started. Toy makers claim that it will be able to replace the person handles and other items that he likes to hold in his hands. Thus, the cube will help its owner to remove the stress and focus on everyday tasks.
"Smart" fitness tracker

Cheap Misfit Shine device automatically calculates distance traveled and calories burned, recognizes the phases of sleep and syncs with a smartphone. In addition, the tracker has replaceable battery, capacity which lasts for 6 months.
Roses that do not wither for 3 years

Not very cheap, but how beautiful! However, there is more accessible and less attractive option. How to assure manufacturers, it will delight its owner from six months to 5 years.
Levitating speakers for fans of "Star wars"

Fans of the cult Saga will be in seventh heaven such a gift. Perhaps it would even Darth Vader himself.
Compact multitool 15 in 1

This device easily fits in the palm of your hand and contains as much as 15 tools: flat and Phillips screwdrivers, set of hex keys, key-asterisk T25, set of wrenches, nail puller, pry bar and a flashlight.
Set of lenses for the camera of a smartphone or tablet

In GoStellar Universal kit contains three lenses: wide angle, ultra wide angle (fisheye) and macroline. Very convenient for those who love photography but can't always carry a bulky camera.

Shoes Shooz consists of two parts: upper and sole, which are connected with each other by using a zipper. Thanks to this solution the various types of soles and upper parts can be combined, each time receiving a new pair of shoes.
Backlight socket for

The perfect solution for those who sometimes have to look for the socket in the dark. Such lighting consumes minimum power and can be used as a nightlight.
"Archaeological" soap

Archaeology is hidden inside a Soap plastic figures of dinosaurs that have "open" as you use soap for its intended purpose. Each layer represents a specific archaeological period. And practical and informative, especially for children.
Photos on the preview cnet.com
See also
15 clever inventions that we still don't sell
25 insanely cute stuff that everyone will want to have in your home
17 indecent cool designer pieces that got us excited this year
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-dizajn/17-neprilichno-krutyh-dizajnerskih-shtuk-kotorye-priveli-nas-v-vostorg-v-etom-godu-1393765/