Recipes for the treatment of female diseases St. Hildegard
Healthy woman is a healthy descendants. It has long been many famous healers, the doctors were looking for help funding from various women's diseases. A special approach to this was the Prelate of the German Saint Hildegard.
Raspberry "women's" drink of St. Hildegard emphasized that a woman should be healthy and happy, to wear jewelry of gold, silver, precious stones. She studied the healing effect of stones and different metals on the female body, because that, and the other is a kind of homeopathy.
The Prelate was the first to notice how important women are to use spices. For example, if the monthly "don't come" in time, irregular or painful — will help red pepper, if too profuse and long lasting — recommended mixture of wine vinegar with nettle. SV. Hildegarde prepared a special Wellness drink: the infusion of raspberry and calendula (both plants are considered "female"), and was advised to drink not only during illness, but also with the preventive purpose.
Drink recipe:
glass jar (3 l) filled with raspberries,
add a handful of calendula flowers,
3 tbsp. of honey and drink it.
Put in a dark place to infuse.
And when it's a little cooler in September and October, you can get a jar and take 20 ml in the evening, as an aperitif.
With the medical purpose drink 1 tbsp three times a day before meals.
This prevents most of women's diseases (cysts, fibroids), and thanks to Malin, containing salicylic acid, liquefies thick blood. The drink is useful to drink as young women, and grandmothers (for example, atherosclerosis). This tincture is useful for men, for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Rubbing sea buckthorn oil will help with the cystsWhen running cysts, polycystic disease, fibromatosis, etc. the healer Helen advises to use this tincture to add the black seed oil or sea buckthorn — 1 tsp three times a day before meals.
It is recommended to do massage with oil( pharmacy vitamin E) is by rubbing it into the area of the ovaries and around the nipples. To do this, your thumbs should be put on the navel, the other lower down the abdomen. Under the middle, fourth finger and little finger is the area of the ovaries, in which you RUB the oil. Then this massage clockwise around the nipples do — thus stimulating the entire hormonal system. Such massage is done in the morning and evening.
Indispensable for the beautiful half of humanity is ginger. At St. Hildegard ginger is included in all recipes, from the complex diseases.
"We need to work with the head, which suffers from insufficient blood supply, and the pituitary gland that directly affect the genitals, which can not fully perform its functions"
Ingredients treatment mask:
How can I treat fibroids?
Just... clean the liver. Unhealthy liver is the blood to the toxins in the liver produced all the hormones related to the female reproductive system. All the mucous membranes of the endothelium of the uterus are also associated with the liver, which can be put in order with oil of carrot or sea buckthorn. And then to do a thorough liver cleansing.
According to naturopath, if the area of the spine to RUB the turpentine, then human energy is increased by 200%, thus the impact on the entire nervous and vascular systems, on all 12 meridians.
Author: Elena Svitko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.zid.com.ua/rus_creativework/zhenskye-bolezny-nachynajte-lechyt-s-holovy

Raspberry "women's" drink of St. Hildegard emphasized that a woman should be healthy and happy, to wear jewelry of gold, silver, precious stones. She studied the healing effect of stones and different metals on the female body, because that, and the other is a kind of homeopathy.
The Prelate was the first to notice how important women are to use spices. For example, if the monthly "don't come" in time, irregular or painful — will help red pepper, if too profuse and long lasting — recommended mixture of wine vinegar with nettle. SV. Hildegarde prepared a special Wellness drink: the infusion of raspberry and calendula (both plants are considered "female"), and was advised to drink not only during illness, but also with the preventive purpose.
Drink recipe:
glass jar (3 l) filled with raspberries,
add a handful of calendula flowers,
3 tbsp. of honey and drink it.
Put in a dark place to infuse.
And when it's a little cooler in September and October, you can get a jar and take 20 ml in the evening, as an aperitif.
With the medical purpose drink 1 tbsp three times a day before meals.

This prevents most of women's diseases (cysts, fibroids), and thanks to Malin, containing salicylic acid, liquefies thick blood. The drink is useful to drink as young women, and grandmothers (for example, atherosclerosis). This tincture is useful for men, for diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Rubbing sea buckthorn oil will help with the cystsWhen running cysts, polycystic disease, fibromatosis, etc. the healer Helen advises to use this tincture to add the black seed oil or sea buckthorn — 1 tsp three times a day before meals.
It is recommended to do massage with oil( pharmacy vitamin E) is by rubbing it into the area of the ovaries and around the nipples. To do this, your thumbs should be put on the navel, the other lower down the abdomen. Under the middle, fourth finger and little finger is the area of the ovaries, in which you RUB the oil. Then this massage clockwise around the nipples do — thus stimulating the entire hormonal system. Such massage is done in the morning and evening.
Indispensable for the beautiful half of humanity is ginger. At St. Hildegard ginger is included in all recipes, from the complex diseases.

"We need to work with the head, which suffers from insufficient blood supply, and the pituitary gland that directly affect the genitals, which can not fully perform its functions"
Ingredients treatment mask:
- 1 teaspoon ginger powder
- egg yolk
- a little shampoo.

How can I treat fibroids?
Just... clean the liver. Unhealthy liver is the blood to the toxins in the liver produced all the hormones related to the female reproductive system. All the mucous membranes of the endothelium of the uterus are also associated with the liver, which can be put in order with oil of carrot or sea buckthorn. And then to do a thorough liver cleansing.
According to naturopath, if the area of the spine to RUB the turpentine, then human energy is increased by 200%, thus the impact on the entire nervous and vascular systems, on all 12 meridians.
Author: Elena Svitko
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.zid.com.ua/rus_creativework/zhenskye-bolezny-nachynajte-lechyt-s-holovy