11 celebrities who look older than their age, but still beautiful
Fifty million eight hundred sixty thousand nine hundred seventy nine
I have the feeling that now, when beauty is largely determined by the number of operations or Botox injections to look your age is no longer fashionable.
But we Site not agree and decided to show stars that look older than their years. We will not advise them to change stylists or go under the knife because they are so beautiful!
How many statues of "Grammy" managed to win Adele? It seems to be 15. But she is only 28 years old.
Britney Spears
Willy-nilly we have witnessed many events in the life of Britney. Many remember her ever since "Baby One More Time", which was released already in 1999. Maybe that's why so hard to believe that she recently just turned 35 years old.
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman is 79 years old. What's he doing in our collection, if you like 60 max?
In this photo from the 1989 movie "driving miss Daisy" actor 52 years. It seems that in 100 years, Freeman will look at 60.
Margot Robbie
Most of us first saw Margot in the role of wife of the hero DiCaprio in "the Wolf of wall street". Did you know she was 22? Now 26 years old.
Michael Fassbender
Michael Fassbender is gorgeous. Sly smile, the wrinkles around the eyes, the brooding forehead only give it charm. He was 39 years old.
Shia LaBeouf
When Shia appeared in the video These "Elastic Heart", we at first did not recognise mathar bearded man, the kid from "Transformers". But he was then only 26 years old. LaBeouf is Mature, but without the beard, everything was back to normal.
Angelina Jolie
Angelina has starred in many films, many of which have earned the title of highest-grossing films of the year. She has 6 children. She is actively involved in humanitarian activities. These and many other contributions do not alter the fact that she's only 41.
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga looked to be around 30-35 since the days of "Poker Face" that was back in 2008, that is 9 years ago. But she turned 30 just this year.
Fergie always looked older than his years. But now she's 41 and she looks 40. It seems that time has no power over her.
Liam Hemsworth
Liam is in appearance much younger than his famous brother the Torah, but only in appearance. He has just turned 27 years old.
How many years are we listening to the beautiful voice of Beyonce? 10 or 20. I think she has always been on the top of the charts and always looked glamorous. We assumed that she knows the secret of eternal beauty. But really she is only 35 years old.
Photo on preview East News
See also
10 celebrities, whose age might surprise you. And not only you
Test: if you can Guess who's older?
Test: Try to guess who is the star and who is the DoppelgangeR
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/notitle-1284715/
I have the feeling that now, when beauty is largely determined by the number of operations or Botox injections to look your age is no longer fashionable.
But we Site not agree and decided to show stars that look older than their years. We will not advise them to change stylists or go under the knife because they are so beautiful!

How many statues of "Grammy" managed to win Adele? It seems to be 15. But she is only 28 years old.
Britney Spears

Willy-nilly we have witnessed many events in the life of Britney. Many remember her ever since "Baby One More Time", which was released already in 1999. Maybe that's why so hard to believe that she recently just turned 35 years old.
Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman is 79 years old. What's he doing in our collection, if you like 60 max?
In this photo from the 1989 movie "driving miss Daisy" actor 52 years. It seems that in 100 years, Freeman will look at 60.
Margot Robbie

Most of us first saw Margot in the role of wife of the hero DiCaprio in "the Wolf of wall street". Did you know she was 22? Now 26 years old.
Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender is gorgeous. Sly smile, the wrinkles around the eyes, the brooding forehead only give it charm. He was 39 years old.
Shia LaBeouf

When Shia appeared in the video These "Elastic Heart", we at first did not recognise mathar bearded man, the kid from "Transformers". But he was then only 26 years old. LaBeouf is Mature, but without the beard, everything was back to normal.
Angelina Jolie

Angelina has starred in many films, many of which have earned the title of highest-grossing films of the year. She has 6 children. She is actively involved in humanitarian activities. These and many other contributions do not alter the fact that she's only 41.
Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga looked to be around 30-35 since the days of "Poker Face" that was back in 2008, that is 9 years ago. But she turned 30 just this year.

Fergie always looked older than his years. But now she's 41 and she looks 40. It seems that time has no power over her.
Liam Hemsworth

Liam is in appearance much younger than his famous brother the Torah, but only in appearance. He has just turned 27 years old.

How many years are we listening to the beautiful voice of Beyonce? 10 or 20. I think she has always been on the top of the charts and always looked glamorous. We assumed that she knows the secret of eternal beauty. But really she is only 35 years old.
Photo on preview East News
See also
10 celebrities, whose age might surprise you. And not only you
Test: if you can Guess who's older?
Test: Try to guess who is the star and who is the DoppelgangeR
via www.adme.ru/tvorchestvo-kino/notitle-1284715/