10 things that hit at the Swiss school

Swiss school for education quality can give a head start to Finnish. This is evidenced by the experience Plytkevich Irina, mom of two children who attend Swiss schools. The website shares with you the most interesting facts.
Lessons are in blocks of half an hour. In between 20 minute break during which children are always on the street. The kids go from class to the terrace, which is present in every class, they don't even have to change shoes. Any rain and wind they are there. In good weather (and teachers) playing soccer, basketball, ping pong, dodgeball. A child that is not running is likely to take to the doctor. From 11.30 to 13.30 lunch break. You can stay in school, you can go home. Therefore, children do not get tired. In the morning learn from 8.15 in the evening to 16.00. Wednesday short day until 11.30.
That children are not afraid to Express their thoughts in writing, the school has a "teacher — student". Each child's mail box, put there a note, the teacher be sure to respond to you personally. Enjoys incredible success with the morning run to pick up my mail. Vocabulary dictation write under the picture. That is, under a picture representing a word, you need to write correctly this word. And not dictation. The child remembers how to spell the word, visually comparing it with the picture. It works unreal.
When making a report, always include music, kids choose it themselves. The report welcomes the suit and the details of such a mini-play. No PowerPoint presentations no. It is believed that a child in elementary school can't make the presentation yourself. Math does not explain how to solve the examples. The child himself, on the basis of already existing knowledge, needs to figure out how it is easier to solve, for example, 48 plus 53, to come out and explain. Right way no all decide as they see fit. In their own way.
A lot of touching hands, all the world is all about "touch and try". Tasted is there wheat, rye and oats, then went to the mill to grind it all. They were promised that the Baker will bake their flour rolls and they bring it all to school. In geography studying the local area is literally so: here we have such the river, come to watch. On the item about "done by hand" — attivita creativa, hours as much, and the physical, and that the two leaders by the number of hours per week. I believe that mistakes are the path to success. Teach children that making mistakes is good and you can survive then do nothing, because you: a) creative thinking; b) not afraid to try.
A doctor's note is needed if only passed more than 2 weeks. However, this is the only case when you have all jobs to do at home. Elementary school, municipal, absolutely free. The pace is quite slow, but nevertheless a program, in General, coincide with the Russian. Source Plytkevich Irina
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