This 5-year-old boy will teach is to tie the laces

To teach a child to tie laces, usually it's the depths of patience. But now came to the aid of 5-year-old Colton (Colton), which is just 1 minute shows a great new way of learning. Millions of Internet users have used it in practice and expressed gratitude to the boy and his mother Ashley Lillard (Lillard Ashley).
We are in the Website also appreciate the method to the dignity and I want to share with you.
https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fashlillard%2Fvideos%2F10209688595224870%2F&width=640&show_text=false&appId=163770197147737&height=640 In the video, Colton will first insert the ends of the laces in the upper holes on the sneakers, and then tying the loop into two simple node. In the process, he says that he was 5 years old that he had lost a tooth and that trick with the laces of his learned friend the River (River). "Post to help anyone who is struggling in the same way as we fought," wrote the mother of Colton in accompaniment to the video.
Source Ashley Lillard
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