How to easily wash white laces and return them to their former whiteness

Today, white sports shoes are very popular. Not surprisingly, sneakers, sneakers or conversions are very practical and even versatile. They fit perfectly into almost any image, be it sports or classic. But there is such shoes a big minus - white laces, the purity of which is not so easy to maintain. That's why the editorial board "Site" 8 Ways to Return White Laces to Their Former Shining

White laces are sure, and you know firsthand how fast white laces get dirty, turn yellow or just become gray. At the same time, returning their whiteness to its original state is extremely difficult. To make your life a little easier, we made a list of the most efficient The return of the former white laces.

  1. Household soap The most effective way is considered hand washing with the use of ordinary household soap. Wrap your shoelaces on your hand and soap them on the other. If the products are very dirty, you can leave them for 10-20 minutes for better results. It is also worth walking on the stains of an old toothbrush. Now rinse your laces and let them dry.

  2. bleacher These two tools are classic and reliable helpers in returning whiteness to things. But it should be remembered that their composition is quite aggressive, and therefore can spoil the structure of the tissue. That's why it's important. follow instructions on application. Apply the product on your laces and wash them by hand or in the washing machine along with other white things. By the way, if you wash your laces in a special bag, it is not necessary to put only light things into the drum. So the material will not color and retain color.

  3. Toothpaste Whitening toothpaste – well tested folklore. Apply the paste on your laces using an old toothbrush, and wait until they dry completely. If the laces remain sticky after the procedure, it is worth extending them. Otherwise, you can put them in your shoes right away.

  4. Boiling Another traditional method of bleaching things. Boiling is able to remove ingrained spots, yellowness and gray tint. In practice, this is as follows. Pour in a small pan of water and the desired portion of bleach according to the instructions. Then soak the laces in the resulting solution, and then boil them for 20-30 minutes. At the end of the lace rinse.


  5. lemon One of the most popular folk remedies for whitening is lemon. Treat them with small contaminants and leave them for 20 minutes. After doing that, rinse your laces.

  6. Ammonia First, you need to wash your laces in a typewriter or bowl and dry them. Then apply ammonia to the products using a cotton disc.

  7. Soda + Lemon Juice Such a mixture can be a salvation in trying to bring out the old ones. spots. To make it, mix the soda and lemon juice to a state of gruel. Apply it to contaminated areas and leave it for 15-20 minutes. All I have to do is wash my shoes and dry them.

  8. Soda + vinegar or peroxide In a small container, combine soda with vinegar or peroxide your choice in a 2:3 ratio. Then do everything according to the already familiar scheme. Apply the foamy paste on the shoelaces, leave for a few minutes, wash and rinse them in cool water.

You probably knew about some of the above. What do you think is the most effective method of whitening? Boldly shared with us in the comments with their tricks. Wish your white laces, like all white things in general, shine for years to come!


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