Grandpa and Kindness
In our world sometimes so lacking in kindness. People should escape from their petty problems and look around to notice that many others needed their help. The website wants to share with the reader a cautionary tale about the need to do good deeds at all costs!
Recently I came to visit my beloved grandfather's Glory, and they struck up a conversation with him on the subject of good and evil. And he told me the following story:
When your dad was little, my friends and in winter always cleaned the rink, organized in our yard. The kids every day I come there to skate and play hockey heart rejoiced at such a spectacle. And then my son's friends stopped going to the rink, who left, who simply lost interest. Yes, and my friends and comrades stopped to help clean it up. For a long time the rink was abandoned.
In 47 years I transferred to another job where physical effort was low, but mentally high. Lying on the couch at home I'm not used, wanted to move and something to do. Then I remembered the skating rink and decided to clear itself. Literally five minutes after I finished, the whole court came running kids with skates and sticks. A new generation of children came to our rink, so I decided to continue after each heavy snowfall to clean it. But as time passed and the kids grew up and who went where.
After 8 years I retired, health is not allowed to work in full force. Life was, in General, not bad, just kind of swept snow rink was a little upset. But clean it was not for anyone, children have stopped him to come, because they had smart phones and computers...
One morning when I was chopping wood for the stove, saw that the fence stopped the guy twenty-five years. He cheerfully shouted to me:
— Uncle Slava, not you so hard! Let me help you?
I didn't even say a word as he approached, took my ax and chopped a huge pile of firewood. The boy with a satisfied smile he looked at me and said:
— Uncle Slava, you don't hesitate to ask, call, if that. I remember how you cleaned the rink. If I do not help, then what am I going to be?
It turned out that this guy was one of those boys who came to the rink 8 years ago. He grew up, graduated from College, served in the army, but still remembered how I weekly cleaned the rink. Imagine now every week he comes to me and chops wood.
Finished my grandfather his story with these words: "Do good, my grandson, and it comes back to you".
via factroom.ru

Recently I came to visit my beloved grandfather's Glory, and they struck up a conversation with him on the subject of good and evil. And he told me the following story:
When your dad was little, my friends and in winter always cleaned the rink, organized in our yard. The kids every day I come there to skate and play hockey heart rejoiced at such a spectacle. And then my son's friends stopped going to the rink, who left, who simply lost interest. Yes, and my friends and comrades stopped to help clean it up. For a long time the rink was abandoned.
In 47 years I transferred to another job where physical effort was low, but mentally high. Lying on the couch at home I'm not used, wanted to move and something to do. Then I remembered the skating rink and decided to clear itself. Literally five minutes after I finished, the whole court came running kids with skates and sticks. A new generation of children came to our rink, so I decided to continue after each heavy snowfall to clean it. But as time passed and the kids grew up and who went where.
After 8 years I retired, health is not allowed to work in full force. Life was, in General, not bad, just kind of swept snow rink was a little upset. But clean it was not for anyone, children have stopped him to come, because they had smart phones and computers...
One morning when I was chopping wood for the stove, saw that the fence stopped the guy twenty-five years. He cheerfully shouted to me:
— Uncle Slava, not you so hard! Let me help you?
I didn't even say a word as he approached, took my ax and chopped a huge pile of firewood. The boy with a satisfied smile he looked at me and said:
— Uncle Slava, you don't hesitate to ask, call, if that. I remember how you cleaned the rink. If I do not help, then what am I going to be?
It turned out that this guy was one of those boys who came to the rink 8 years ago. He grew up, graduated from College, served in the army, but still remembered how I weekly cleaned the rink. Imagine now every week he comes to me and chops wood.
Finished my grandfather his story with these words: "Do good, my grandson, and it comes back to you".
via factroom.ru
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