Innovative garbage containers, solar energy
In Phoenix, Arizona, has installed an innovative waste containers, powered by solar energy. Energy tanks are needed in order to compress the waste, thus facilitating recycling.
According to officials, the new tanks – a wonderful step to solve the accumulation of waste at the landfill. Tanks called Bigbellys enough just quarter of an hour charging in the sun for the whole day to compress the trash. Thus the containers will remain more space for waste. Officials assure that the new bins can hold eight times more waste than usual.
— From the point of view of garbage collection these devices really effective. We are very happy that we are there, because the disposal sites have not withstand the amount of waste, which produces the city — said the managers.
According to officials, residents still have not learned to analyze the garbage before you dispose of waste into organic and inorganic.
In this regard, there is a lot of problems. It is reported that the containers will not only produce dust, but also to inform the employees of public utilities that the place for waste is over and the tank need to be cleaned. A definite plus for the environment is the use of solar energy. Besides, it allows you to transfer tanks to anywhere in the city, because their work is not dependent on the city. published
Source: solarpanels.com.ua/news/v-ssha-poyavilis-baki-dlya-pererabotki-musora-rabotayushchie-ot-solnechnoj-energii/

According to officials, the new tanks – a wonderful step to solve the accumulation of waste at the landfill. Tanks called Bigbellys enough just quarter of an hour charging in the sun for the whole day to compress the trash. Thus the containers will remain more space for waste. Officials assure that the new bins can hold eight times more waste than usual.

— From the point of view of garbage collection these devices really effective. We are very happy that we are there, because the disposal sites have not withstand the amount of waste, which produces the city — said the managers.
According to officials, residents still have not learned to analyze the garbage before you dispose of waste into organic and inorganic.

In this regard, there is a lot of problems. It is reported that the containers will not only produce dust, but also to inform the employees of public utilities that the place for waste is over and the tank need to be cleaned. A definite plus for the environment is the use of solar energy. Besides, it allows you to transfer tanks to anywhere in the city, because their work is not dependent on the city. published
Source: solarpanels.com.ua/news/v-ssha-poyavilis-baki-dlya-pererabotki-musora-rabotayushchie-ot-solnechnoj-energii/
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