The little girl's mother wrote a letter to the waiter who came to her aid

A resident of Manchester, Katie Donaldson (Katie Donaldson) — mother of two year old Pixie. Like all mothers, she was always busy (she also has a small business) and therefore meeting friends is a rare and precious treat for her.
One day Cathy went to lunch at a cafe with friends and took her daughter. And was amazed at the kindness of the waiter who befriended her baby and asked that chat at a separate table, so mom could be more peaceful chat with friends.
Us in the Website loved the act of this young man: it seems nothing special, but such things are long remembered.

Katie wrote about this meeting on his page in the social network, and her story has touched many.

By the way, as it turned out, the waiter name mark Jay Quinn (Mark J. Quinn) and he's really cute "uncle". Tell you a secret, we looked at his profile in the social network.
Source Katie Dee/ Facebook
Photo preview Katie Dee/ Facebook
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