The history of the alteration of the couch: 27 ideas, after which I could not calm down!
Remake old furniture will warm the soul of the master and will delight all around. Recently, a friend asked the master for the tree to pull the chairs are simple, Soviet. He painted the tree in a rich emerald hue, or special paint, or varnish. Chose the crazy upholstery, green apples in a silver...
What miracle happened! Was trash, natural decay, and now — new stylish furniture and "antique" and unique thing. No one like this no more! And what savings.
Suggest you ideas for remaking old furniture, which may give an interesting transformation: why not paint the dining table with acrylic paints? Moreover, the table for 20 years, and the artistic talent available.
Alteration mebelofmalaysia examples
It seems that remaking old furniture with his own hands — not such a hard task! I'll go study, inspiration enough... And you recommend to start!
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Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
What miracle happened! Was trash, natural decay, and now — new stylish furniture and "antique" and unique thing. No one like this no more! And what savings.
Suggest you ideas for remaking old furniture, which may give an interesting transformation: why not paint the dining table with acrylic paints? Moreover, the table for 20 years, and the artistic talent available.

Alteration mebelofmalaysia examples
- A great idea to protect the sofa from stains and mask those which have already appeared on the upholstery. The pockets on the bed is just made for storage of useful household trifles!
- Was a real misfortune: this couch is clearly a place in the dustbin.
Painted, sewed new cushions, and there he was, much more handsome!
- The shawl! If you possess the ability to crochet, not to knit that wonderful blanket on the couch is a crime. White as angel garb sofa, lush, like fresh bun, and updated! Had nothing to draw and paint, and transformed.
- Bench sofa can become a sofa if you find the bedspread. Experimenting with fabrics, you can achieve unexpected results!
- To simple cheap furniture looked gorgeous in the interior, you need to follow rather simple principles: the right combination of colors and harmony of style.
- Here's how an old table can be entered in a new interior!
- Unremarkable, poor table!
But fate smiled on him: now it is pleasant to look...
- The nothingness from which it was high time to get rid of!
A decent and practical the table, his forms alluding to the robust design and capacity...
- How the furniture looked before the rework. I want to forget this sad view...
Any comparison does not go! Brilliant, Bravo, fantastic!
- Why not make the types of well-worn sofa unusual? Looks amazing.
- Ethnic motifs, the richness of patterns, brightness and beauty that dazzled. Interesting idea also to use rugs instead of blankets and capes.
- Such a thing is unlikely to impress someone.
Converted bookcase is 100 times better!
- Unattractive, plain, boring table.
Did a great job! Very gently.
- This poor woman should be given a chance at a second life...
Gorgeous result! Is this the same chair?
- The horror, the horror. He looks dreadful.
And now the Royal chair!
- The table played quite differently!
- I want this blanket... It's a lazy remake, Yes. One new bedspread will represent the furniture and the room in a different light!
- How do like this option! To complement the fur can be any piece of furniture on which you sit.
- This chair wants to throw. crying over him again to regret, to throw it away.
After the repair, he commands respect!
- It turned out a nice chair!
- Excellent vision associated with my own hands cover for an old chair.
- Here is how to transform the sofa new upholstery!
- Acrylic paint and furniture were made for each other!
- Another idea for last... Well, how can you not feel the magic and start to create!
It seems that remaking old furniture with his own hands — not such a hard task! I'll go study, inspiration enough... And you recommend to start!
Now everyone can publish articles
Try this first! To WRITE an ARTICLE the Author

Since childhood, interested in medicine, grew up in a family of doctors. Knows how to make a fancy Breakfast out of nothing, is not afraid to experiment in the kitchen, making pies without flour, low-fat mayonnaise, healthy sweets. Never give up and believes that people are created to help each other! In all its domestic Affairs the assistant to the son Sasha. Alexandra's favorite book — "the Art of loving" by E. Fromm.
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