Tesla Gigafactory will power the solar power plant
According to the investment plan of the company Tesla, a huge plant Gigafactory in Nevada will to power with 70 MW of power. Recently, analysts have been able to get a tour of the Gigafactory, where Tesla announced the start of battery cell production at the facility.
The installation of solar panels should appear on the roof of the factory, and Tesla claims it will be seven times more than the currently the largest solar installation on the roof.
Three million six hundred sixty two thousand four hundred seventy two
The main Gigafactory plan excludes the direct consumption of fossil fuels to generate most of the energy required for the plant will use solar. All excess electricity is stored in batteries Tesla Powerpack and used for food at other times. It is likely that solar panels will be SolarCity, of which Tesla acquired at the end of 2016.
According to the company, availability of own energy center would not only increase efficiency, but will significantly reduce carbon emissions. Also, most of the building heating will be provided by waste heat from the production process of batteries. System water closed-loop recycling will be 400 thousand gallons of water, which will reduce water consumption from the outside by 80% compared to standard processes.
Ninety million two hundred ninety seven thousand one hundred fifteen
A processing plant will also allow greater re-use a large part of the Tesla in place. When will be completed the second phase of construction of the Gigafactory, the object will produce about 35 GWh of battery cells and 50 GWh of batteries every year.
The annual production of the batteries Tesla will be more than all the world's production of lithium-ion batteries in 2013. This will be enough to provide energy storage for 500 thousand electric cars Model 3. published
Source: solarpanels.com.ua/news/gigafactory-kompanii-tesla-budet-obespechivat-energiej-solnechnaya-elektrostantsiya-moshchnostyu-70-megavatt/
The installation of solar panels should appear on the roof of the factory, and Tesla claims it will be seven times more than the currently the largest solar installation on the roof.
Three million six hundred sixty two thousand four hundred seventy two
The main Gigafactory plan excludes the direct consumption of fossil fuels to generate most of the energy required for the plant will use solar. All excess electricity is stored in batteries Tesla Powerpack and used for food at other times. It is likely that solar panels will be SolarCity, of which Tesla acquired at the end of 2016.
According to the company, availability of own energy center would not only increase efficiency, but will significantly reduce carbon emissions. Also, most of the building heating will be provided by waste heat from the production process of batteries. System water closed-loop recycling will be 400 thousand gallons of water, which will reduce water consumption from the outside by 80% compared to standard processes.
Ninety million two hundred ninety seven thousand one hundred fifteen
A processing plant will also allow greater re-use a large part of the Tesla in place. When will be completed the second phase of construction of the Gigafactory, the object will produce about 35 GWh of battery cells and 50 GWh of batteries every year.
The annual production of the batteries Tesla will be more than all the world's production of lithium-ion batteries in 2013. This will be enough to provide energy storage for 500 thousand electric cars Model 3. published
Source: solarpanels.com.ua/news/gigafactory-kompanii-tesla-budet-obespechivat-energiej-solnechnaya-elektrostantsiya-moshchnostyu-70-megavatt/