Signs of diabetes, the existence of which you may not even suspect
Diabetes one of the most common diseases on Earth, they suffer more than 170 million people. In our country, even according to official statistics, about 2.8 million people have diabetes, experts believe that there are not less than 10 million is just a until the disease is in full force will not declare themselves not aware of their disease.
Bleak picture! But it still displays glimpses of the professionals seek and sometimes even find ways to curb diabetes.
Forty four million two hundred twenty three thousand one hundred fifty nine
This technique of physical rehabilitation, complexes of special exercises in combination with proper nutrition developed by sports physiologists. They helped to get rid of diabetes to hundreds of patients.
His own approach did not demonstrate doctors: American Professor Arthur De vane, a renowned expert in the field of cinema, studied the problem of diabetes in connection with this trouble in his family and made friends such a diet and physical exercise, which they managed almost to get rid of insulin injections.
But that said kinesiologists in their daily practice (kinesiology – a new area of medicine dealing with restoration of reserve opportunities of an organism, from GK. logos – "word, doctrine" and kinesis "movement"). The man complains about appeared strange headaches that occurred allergic reactions, itching.
"We begin to understand and find signs of diabetes, which the patient does not even know, says kinesiologist, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Vasilyeva, head of the Department of manual therapy of the Russian state research medical University named after N. And.Pirogov. – Sent to an endocrinologist – and, indeed, the analysis shows elevated levels of blood sugar. And since this is the main criterion, it all comes down to the fact that not enough insulin. But this is not true.
Often the reason that glucose is not utilized, is not a deficit of insulin production, and the violation of its transportation. Insulin is produced in the pancreas, then through the ducts should go into the duodenum. But sometimes spazmiruyutsya ducts, and, although insulin is produced, it does not reach where it is necessary. At the analysis a picture emerges of its deficit.Therefore, it is desirable not to hurry with the medication – you should try to understand the reasons. Continuous drug administration gradually incapacitate pancreas – as unnecessary, and there really are developing diabetes.»
There is a method of diagnosis which enables to recognize that suffering is the transport routes of insulin, – visceral techniques-manual therapy, when the doctor probes the pancreas and under your fingers feels hardened, the lumps, which look sore and swollen ducts. This spasm the doctor starts to relax, stretch your special massage. And when relieves spasm of blood vessels supplying the gland, improves blood circulation, "open" the ducts, and the insulin begins to act.
Seven million one hundred thirty eight thousand two hundred eighty one
Sorry, about this technique, many ordinary doctors don't know, although it is not new, said Vasiliev. They do not teach. They just palpate the abdomen as a General principle, if the abdomen is soft – so it's all right. A man with a high level of sugar should carefully examine the condition of the pancreas, its ducts – whether they or pinched, relieve spasm of all the surrounding organs and tissues.
Reason such spasms in our time a lot. Emotional problems, stress, fears. The man was nervous – the diaphragm responds with a spasm, compress the artery that compressed the vascular branches supplying the pancreas.
"It atrophy does not always occur as a primary factor, explains Professor Vasiliev. – What precedes it? Often cause of disorders are chronic colitis, cholecystitis, transferred peptic ulcer disease, especially duodenal ulcers because it as the ring encompasses the head of the pancreas and ulcerative or inflammatory process compresses it and perelavlivaet ducts. There are ducts and the gallbladder, and if the person has broken the flow of bile or it's too thick, it just covers mechanical ducts of the pancreas. Insulin is developed, he had nowhere to go, it accumulates, causing internal atrophy of the cells of the gland. The doctor must know these mechanisms."
There are indirect signs by which we can assume starts trouble. For example:
According to the observations of kinesiologists, sometimes suspected diabetes causes posture. With the pancreas associated latissimus dorsi muscle, which forms the static. When the gland reduces its function, weak back muscles, there is spinal deformity, which is characteristic for this disease.published
Author: Lidia Ivchenko
Also interesting: the Balance of insulin: methods of correction
Diabetes: what to do
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: www.ng.ru/health/2011-08-10/7_diabet.html
Bleak picture! But it still displays glimpses of the professionals seek and sometimes even find ways to curb diabetes.
Forty four million two hundred twenty three thousand one hundred fifty nine
This technique of physical rehabilitation, complexes of special exercises in combination with proper nutrition developed by sports physiologists. They helped to get rid of diabetes to hundreds of patients.
His own approach did not demonstrate doctors: American Professor Arthur De vane, a renowned expert in the field of cinema, studied the problem of diabetes in connection with this trouble in his family and made friends such a diet and physical exercise, which they managed almost to get rid of insulin injections.
But that said kinesiologists in their daily practice (kinesiology – a new area of medicine dealing with restoration of reserve opportunities of an organism, from GK. logos – "word, doctrine" and kinesis "movement"). The man complains about appeared strange headaches that occurred allergic reactions, itching.
"We begin to understand and find signs of diabetes, which the patient does not even know, says kinesiologist, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Lyudmila Vasilyeva, head of the Department of manual therapy of the Russian state research medical University named after N. And.Pirogov. – Sent to an endocrinologist – and, indeed, the analysis shows elevated levels of blood sugar. And since this is the main criterion, it all comes down to the fact that not enough insulin. But this is not true.
Often the reason that glucose is not utilized, is not a deficit of insulin production, and the violation of its transportation. Insulin is produced in the pancreas, then through the ducts should go into the duodenum. But sometimes spazmiruyutsya ducts, and, although insulin is produced, it does not reach where it is necessary. At the analysis a picture emerges of its deficit.Therefore, it is desirable not to hurry with the medication – you should try to understand the reasons. Continuous drug administration gradually incapacitate pancreas – as unnecessary, and there really are developing diabetes.»
There is a method of diagnosis which enables to recognize that suffering is the transport routes of insulin, – visceral techniques-manual therapy, when the doctor probes the pancreas and under your fingers feels hardened, the lumps, which look sore and swollen ducts. This spasm the doctor starts to relax, stretch your special massage. And when relieves spasm of blood vessels supplying the gland, improves blood circulation, "open" the ducts, and the insulin begins to act.
Seven million one hundred thirty eight thousand two hundred eighty one
Sorry, about this technique, many ordinary doctors don't know, although it is not new, said Vasiliev. They do not teach. They just palpate the abdomen as a General principle, if the abdomen is soft – so it's all right. A man with a high level of sugar should carefully examine the condition of the pancreas, its ducts – whether they or pinched, relieve spasm of all the surrounding organs and tissues.
Reason such spasms in our time a lot. Emotional problems, stress, fears. The man was nervous – the diaphragm responds with a spasm, compress the artery that compressed the vascular branches supplying the pancreas.
"It atrophy does not always occur as a primary factor, explains Professor Vasiliev. – What precedes it? Often cause of disorders are chronic colitis, cholecystitis, transferred peptic ulcer disease, especially duodenal ulcers because it as the ring encompasses the head of the pancreas and ulcerative or inflammatory process compresses it and perelavlivaet ducts. There are ducts and the gallbladder, and if the person has broken the flow of bile or it's too thick, it just covers mechanical ducts of the pancreas. Insulin is developed, he had nowhere to go, it accumulates, causing internal atrophy of the cells of the gland. The doctor must know these mechanisms."
There are indirect signs by which we can assume starts trouble. For example:
- long-term healing of accidental wound,
- weakness,
- constant feeling of fatigue,
- thirst.
According to the observations of kinesiologists, sometimes suspected diabetes causes posture. With the pancreas associated latissimus dorsi muscle, which forms the static. When the gland reduces its function, weak back muscles, there is spinal deformity, which is characteristic for this disease.published
Author: Lidia Ivchenko
Also interesting: the Balance of insulin: methods of correction
Diabetes: what to do
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
Source: www.ng.ru/health/2011-08-10/7_diabet.html