Scientists say that the benefits of a glass of champagne compared with a good walk
Fifty four million seventy six thousand seventy
Fifteen million three hundred eighty two thousand two
The fact that a glass or two of red wine is good for health (and even replaces the class hour in the gym), we have already learned. Now scientists undertook the study of the properties of champagne and told us that it is also quite useful. Of course, if you eat it in moderation.
The positive effect of champagne on the body can be compared to a walk in the fresh air: it improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels. We Site we believe that this is the rare case when we get valuable information just in time.
1. Champagne reduces the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases
A group of scientists from the University of reading (UK) discovered that a couple of glasses of champagne a beneficial effect on blood vessel walls and therefore reduces the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases.
It turns out that champagne, like red wine, contains a sufficient amount of polyphenols, which give it useful properties. The main source of polyphenols is red and dark grapes. Just champagne made from dark grapes — Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier — with the addition of Chardonnay, a white variety. But champagne is white because the grape juice dark varieties do not allow to come into contact with the skin — it gives the wine color.
"In the usual white wine polyphenols are known not. But in champagne, which is made from the juice of dark and white varieties, there's enough of it," says Dr Jeremy Spencer, head of the research group.
2. Normalizes blood pressure
The polyphenols found in champagne, as research has shown, holding in the blood molecules of nitric oxide. It improves blood circulation, supports the tone of blood vessel walls, expanding them and improves blood flow. Thus, the glass of champagne is able to normalize blood pressure.
3. Reduces the risk of stroke
Scientists led by Jeremy Spencer also specifically engaged in the study of polyphenols in champagne affect the brain cells. It turned out that they exert a powerful neuroprotective effect, that is improve metabolism in the brain and prevent neuronal damage, increasing the resistance to the stroke.
4. Helps to saturate the cells with oxygen
Champagne, or rather, the contained polyphenols, improve blood flow, and hence nutrients, including oxygen, reach the body's cells much faster. Oxygen activates the brain, a positive effect on mental activity and its results. Again, we remind you about moderation — a bottle of champagne every day not add to the mind (although life might be more fun).
5. Improves digestion
Polyphenols, which is rich in champagne, play in the digestive system the role of prebiotics. They can slow the growth and development of pathogenic microflora in the gut, while beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, they are a negative influence.
6. Prevents the deposition of cholesterol
Champagne, red wine and some other products of its dark color due to the polyphenols do not allow the cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they protect against atherosclerosis, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease — according to scientists from the school of medicine at Yale University, which is not the first thoroughly study the subject.
7. Aging
Powerful antioxidant properties of polyphenols of champagne and red wine protect cells from premature aging caused by the damaging effects of free radicals.
It is important! Useful not only French, but also "Soviet champagne"
Jeremy Spencer, of reading University noted that useful not only for "real" French champagne, but cheaper types of sparkling wine — Prosecco and cava.
From themselves say that Dr. Jeremy hardly knows about the existence of "Soviet champagne", otherwise he would have brought it to this list. Because according to the classic recipe, make it from the right kinds of grapes — from Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay (at least supposed to do, and was — according to GOST. And now we need to clarify information on a specific manufacturer, champagne which you buy).
Just keep in mind: we are opposed to are you sure you replaced the walk champagne. A better way: walked and then champagne for multiplication use. Or Vice versa.
Photos on the preview Kadenapix.com
See also
Scientists have found that a glass of red wine is equivalent to 1 hour of sport
Scientists have found that chocolate and red wine is an important part of the diet
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/uchenye-vyyasnili-chto-shokolad-i-krasnoe-vino-vazhnaya-chast-diety-mechty-1237515/
Fifteen million three hundred eighty two thousand two
The fact that a glass or two of red wine is good for health (and even replaces the class hour in the gym), we have already learned. Now scientists undertook the study of the properties of champagne and told us that it is also quite useful. Of course, if you eat it in moderation.
The positive effect of champagne on the body can be compared to a walk in the fresh air: it improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels. We Site we believe that this is the rare case when we get valuable information just in time.
1. Champagne reduces the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases

A group of scientists from the University of reading (UK) discovered that a couple of glasses of champagne a beneficial effect on blood vessel walls and therefore reduces the risk of strokes and cardiovascular diseases.
It turns out that champagne, like red wine, contains a sufficient amount of polyphenols, which give it useful properties. The main source of polyphenols is red and dark grapes. Just champagne made from dark grapes — Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier — with the addition of Chardonnay, a white variety. But champagne is white because the grape juice dark varieties do not allow to come into contact with the skin — it gives the wine color.
"In the usual white wine polyphenols are known not. But in champagne, which is made from the juice of dark and white varieties, there's enough of it," says Dr Jeremy Spencer, head of the research group.
2. Normalizes blood pressure

The polyphenols found in champagne, as research has shown, holding in the blood molecules of nitric oxide. It improves blood circulation, supports the tone of blood vessel walls, expanding them and improves blood flow. Thus, the glass of champagne is able to normalize blood pressure.
3. Reduces the risk of stroke

Scientists led by Jeremy Spencer also specifically engaged in the study of polyphenols in champagne affect the brain cells. It turned out that they exert a powerful neuroprotective effect, that is improve metabolism in the brain and prevent neuronal damage, increasing the resistance to the stroke.
4. Helps to saturate the cells with oxygen

Champagne, or rather, the contained polyphenols, improve blood flow, and hence nutrients, including oxygen, reach the body's cells much faster. Oxygen activates the brain, a positive effect on mental activity and its results. Again, we remind you about moderation — a bottle of champagne every day not add to the mind (although life might be more fun).
5. Improves digestion

Polyphenols, which is rich in champagne, play in the digestive system the role of prebiotics. They can slow the growth and development of pathogenic microflora in the gut, while beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, they are a negative influence.
6. Prevents the deposition of cholesterol

Champagne, red wine and some other products of its dark color due to the polyphenols do not allow the cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they protect against atherosclerosis, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease — according to scientists from the school of medicine at Yale University, which is not the first thoroughly study the subject.
7. Aging

Powerful antioxidant properties of polyphenols of champagne and red wine protect cells from premature aging caused by the damaging effects of free radicals.
It is important! Useful not only French, but also "Soviet champagne"

Jeremy Spencer, of reading University noted that useful not only for "real" French champagne, but cheaper types of sparkling wine — Prosecco and cava.
From themselves say that Dr. Jeremy hardly knows about the existence of "Soviet champagne", otherwise he would have brought it to this list. Because according to the classic recipe, make it from the right kinds of grapes — from Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay (at least supposed to do, and was — according to GOST. And now we need to clarify information on a specific manufacturer, champagne which you buy).
Just keep in mind: we are opposed to are you sure you replaced the walk champagne. A better way: walked and then champagne for multiplication use. Or Vice versa.
Photos on the preview Kadenapix.com
See also
Scientists have found that a glass of red wine is equivalent to 1 hour of sport
Scientists have found that chocolate and red wine is an important part of the diet
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/uchenye-vyyasnili-chto-shokolad-i-krasnoe-vino-vazhnaya-chast-diety-mechty-1237515/
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