Sha, children! An old Jewish parable about a poor mother

Website sure, this is a fun parable that will cheer you up, but it represents something more than just humor! Once there was a poor Jewish family. There were many children and little money. Poor mother worked very hard — cooking, washing, screaming, handing out cuffs and loudly complained about life.
Finally, exhausted, she went to the Rabbi: how to become a good mother?
Left him brooding. Since then, mother as a substitute. There is no money in the family has not increased. And children were not obedient. But now the mother did not scold them, and her face went friendly smile.
Once a week she would go to the market and back, all night locked in the room.
The children were curious. One day they defied the ban and went to mom. She was sitting at a table... drinking tea with a sweet feature!
"Mom, what are you doing? What about us?!" — indignantly cried the children.
"Sha, children! — it is important she replied. — I make you happy Mama!"
via factroom.ru
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