My Jewish mother taught me to eat breakfast first and then feed my children.
The happiest child can only grow up in a family where his parents are happy. This is a law that requires no evidence. And this axiom works, if you think about it, quite logically. But I would say that is simple wisdom.
I was inspired to write this article. Jewish parable of mother. I suggest you read it and then talk about it. Join me!
First I share the original text of a Jewish parable. Read it carefully.
Once upon a time there was a poor Jewish family. There were a lot of children, and as always, there was not enough money. The mother worked for wear and tear: cooked, washed and screamed, distributed the back of the head and loudly complained about life.
Finally, exhausted, she went to the rabbi for advice: how to become a good mother? She left him quiet and thoughtful. Since she was replaced. No, there's no money in the family. And the kids didn't do better. But now her mother did not scold them, and a friendly smile did not come off her face. Once a week she went to the bazaar, and when she returned, she locked herself in a room for several hours.
The children were curious. One day they broke the ban and looked at their mother. She was sitting at the table drinking tea with a sweet bun! "Mom, what are you doing? What about us? the children shouted indignantly.
"Sha, kids!" she replied importantly. - I'm making you a happy mom!
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? New parents will do anything to make their child happy. However, spouses often forget that caring for children without taking care of themselves is incomplete.
Often mom and dad include a mode of hyperprotection, investing in their child maximum time and resources. But the result is usually far from ideal. Raising children is a complex work. If parents neglect their own self-development and do not pay due attention to themselves, what kind of childhood happiness can we talk about?
For a child, parents are the main role models. Thanks to them, the child learns to understand this world. He projects the behavior of mom and dad on himself. When children see that parents love each other, they learn what true love and care are. It also works with other feelings and emotions.
The child, being still very young, can read the mood of his closest people. When a mother is dissatisfied with the way she lives, when she is not realized in personal and career terms, the baby feels it. And that affects his behavior.
To raise a truly happy child, You need to fill your life with meaning. Enjoy every day you live, be able to see the beautiful in the little things and do what you sincerely like. For the child, parents act as a kind of guide to the world of adults. And in the eyes of children, this world should look so that the child is not afraid to grow up.
If you feel that you have problems in this matter, it is never too late to fix the situation. Parents should have at least a couple of hours a day for themselves. At this time, you can do your favorite hobby. For example, reading a book or just taking a walk. In general, do what brings you joy and pleasure.
In a Jewish parable, not devoid of humor, as such an occupation, my mother chose ordinary tea drinking. When you have kids, sometimes you don’t even have time to eat. It shouldn't be like that! So the plan is very simple. Set aside time for activities that make you happy.
Tell me, what do you think about that? Is it possible to raise a happy child if you are unhappy?

I was inspired to write this article. Jewish parable of mother. I suggest you read it and then talk about it. Join me!
First I share the original text of a Jewish parable. Read it carefully.
Once upon a time there was a poor Jewish family. There were a lot of children, and as always, there was not enough money. The mother worked for wear and tear: cooked, washed and screamed, distributed the back of the head and loudly complained about life.
Finally, exhausted, she went to the rabbi for advice: how to become a good mother? She left him quiet and thoughtful. Since she was replaced. No, there's no money in the family. And the kids didn't do better. But now her mother did not scold them, and a friendly smile did not come off her face. Once a week she went to the bazaar, and when she returned, she locked herself in a room for several hours.

The children were curious. One day they broke the ban and looked at their mother. She was sitting at the table drinking tea with a sweet bun! "Mom, what are you doing? What about us? the children shouted indignantly.
"Sha, kids!" she replied importantly. - I'm making you a happy mom!
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? New parents will do anything to make their child happy. However, spouses often forget that caring for children without taking care of themselves is incomplete.
Often mom and dad include a mode of hyperprotection, investing in their child maximum time and resources. But the result is usually far from ideal. Raising children is a complex work. If parents neglect their own self-development and do not pay due attention to themselves, what kind of childhood happiness can we talk about?

For a child, parents are the main role models. Thanks to them, the child learns to understand this world. He projects the behavior of mom and dad on himself. When children see that parents love each other, they learn what true love and care are. It also works with other feelings and emotions.
The child, being still very young, can read the mood of his closest people. When a mother is dissatisfied with the way she lives, when she is not realized in personal and career terms, the baby feels it. And that affects his behavior.

To raise a truly happy child, You need to fill your life with meaning. Enjoy every day you live, be able to see the beautiful in the little things and do what you sincerely like. For the child, parents act as a kind of guide to the world of adults. And in the eyes of children, this world should look so that the child is not afraid to grow up.
If you feel that you have problems in this matter, it is never too late to fix the situation. Parents should have at least a couple of hours a day for themselves. At this time, you can do your favorite hobby. For example, reading a book or just taking a walk. In general, do what brings you joy and pleasure.

In a Jewish parable, not devoid of humor, as such an occupation, my mother chose ordinary tea drinking. When you have kids, sometimes you don’t even have time to eat. It shouldn't be like that! So the plan is very simple. Set aside time for activities that make you happy.
Tell me, what do you think about that? Is it possible to raise a happy child if you are unhappy?
A schoolgirl sold her graduation dress to save her friend’s mother, and 10 years later she woke up as a millionaire.
Baba Nina told why you can not dilute tea with water and store empty bottles in the house