In these countries live the happiest employees in the world
There are many factors that affect the level of satisfaction in the workplace — emotional bond with the company, recognition, atmosphere in the team and the technical equipment of the workplace. The study of the Barometer Edenred-Ipsos, which took place in 15 countries among 14 000 people, showed that 71 % of all surveyed employees generally feel happy at work. The researchers measured job satisfaction in three main blocks: working conditions, recognition and emotional satisfaction.
The website picked 10 of the 15 countries and publishes the rating of those where live the happiest employees. Looking at him, we wondered who was the first and last place.
Last on the list, surprisingly, was Japan. The employees of this country had expressed its dissatisfaction at work more often than in other countries. But they were more satisfied with working conditions and the idea of what is expected of them.
Emotional and talkative Italians among the European countries occupy the last place.
In Spain, the satisfaction with working conditions and the assessment by the authorities is higher than in other countries. But despite the Siesta, which is not available in most countries, employees have complained about the lack of emotions in the workplace.
In this country, the employees expressed satisfaction for all three indicators: working conditions, a clear idea of their tasks and work emotional background.
The Chinese, according to the study, more happy, than some European counterparts, for example, Spanish.
In this country, on the whole, good and above average results. But the employees complain about a lack of respect for him from the leaders.
As it turned out, the Brazilians get huge pleasure and joy every morning and go to work.
When it came to happiness at work, Chile tied with Brazil and the USA.
According to the study, Mexicans expressed interest in the job and confidence in their professional future is higher than in other countries.
Employees of Indian companies technically worse than the others, however, were the most satisfied.
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According to the materials of docplayer
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