This mom wrote a letter to the new girlfriend's ex-husband and has melted the hearts of millions
Thirty eight million one hundred ninety nine thousand four hundred twenty
"More love, less hate" — that's what Audrey Nicole, mom, post-divorce, trying to bring people around. Its publication captivated millions of people and became one of the most talked about this week.
The website was very touched by this text and decided to share it with you.
This is Audrey Nicole and her daughter Riley grace
But it's Riley with a woman who now lives with her dad
When the girl goes to visit dad, her mother Audrey is not mad at the "other" who is now living with her ex-husband. Because this "other" takes care of Riley as her own daughter. To thank new passion ex-husband for the warm caring daughter, Audrey decided to write a text and published it in "Love What Matters" ("When love matters").
The text quickly spread around the Internet. Thousands of users supported Audrey, and sharing his experience:
Photos on the preview Audrey Nicole
According to the materials boredpanda
See also
The story of a taxi driver from new York
A touching story of two old friends
Short stories
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie/korotkie-istorii-553005/
"More love, less hate" — that's what Audrey Nicole, mom, post-divorce, trying to bring people around. Its publication captivated millions of people and became one of the most talked about this week.
The website was very touched by this text and decided to share it with you.
This is Audrey Nicole and her daughter Riley grace

But it's Riley with a woman who now lives with her dad

When the girl goes to visit dad, her mother Audrey is not mad at the "other" who is now living with her ex-husband. Because this "other" takes care of Riley as her own daughter. To thank new passion ex-husband for the warm caring daughter, Audrey decided to write a text and published it in "Love What Matters" ("When love matters").

The text quickly spread around the Internet. Thousands of users supported Audrey, and sharing his experience:

Photos on the preview Audrey Nicole
According to the materials boredpanda
See also
The story of a taxi driver from new York
A touching story of two old friends
Short stories
via www.adme.ru/vdohnovenie/korotkie-istorii-553005/