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Self-will: O naisseline pain

Tell me, do you "save face" and continue to do our best in the moment when experiencing severe physical pain?

Can be friendly and helpful towards customers, if headache migraine or a stomach ache?

Can smile and rejoice in the arrival of guests, if you got burned while cooking, and hand is still very much "on fire"?

Can relax and be at peace with the pulsating toothache?

In most cases, doing so is not easy, especially if you need to do everything good and right not just a few minutes or hours, a whole day or even several. Pain is a signal that some part of our body requires a minimum of attention. "Self-will" as you know, does not always work, we often need the help of professionals (doctors, homeopaths, massage therapists, etc.), medicine, herbs, diet and many other magical actions required for healing from our illness.

Sometimes the problem is not solved immediately and for the final release from physical pain, you need some time, and almost always we ourselves, and others sympathetic to such a situation.

Of course, we are not happy with what is happening, but we know that temporary loss of capacity associated with injury, a sore spot gradually heal and the ability to move normally will be partially or fully restored, and what they have to do without acrobatic dance, pole vaults and runs for a long distance.

And if such a situation were close to us, we also understand that his sighs, groans, shouts, complaints, bad mood, unwillingness to smile and constantly make jokes quite normal for the circumstances. If we take offense at the child who fell hard, crying and saying that all bad?

No, we will not, because realize that he's hurting, that behaves in a similar way. Will treat with understanding to the fact that a loved one after surgery says he's tired, wants to be quiet and alone? Yes, of course, everyone understands that a weakened body needs rest. But let's see what's going on in our lives relatively pain mental?

Many people found it perfectly normal to ignore their own negative state, and not to pay attention to the reaction of loved ones. In the family brewing or the case of divorce, and instead to close the issue, most of us just go head first into work, quickly give birth to a new relationship, going to be distracted on a journey with beautiful adventures and pretend that nothing particularly happens. Well, or is happening, but it concerns me not much, I'm good (s), and all the problems due to partner.

The inability to recognize and respond to own feelings leads to the fact that people cannot recognize them in other peoples you might find millions of parents who say their children "don't cry", "life is not sugar", "suffer in silence", etc., and then these children become adults and continue to broadcast the same setup with your own children. Range communicate and experience feelings gradually decreases and eventually the families begin to live according to the laws of business relations — the official negotiations, the rules of the transaction and there is no sentimentality.

Nevalinna inner pain makes people callous, closed, aloof, sincere closeness frightens, and much more easier to deal with external issues than to build a harmonious interior space.

If a huge number of people around the world enthusiastically engaged in building a career and the accumulation of material wealth in the absence of healthy relationships with husbands/wives, parents and children, then gradually this becomes the norm in existing society.

And, I must say, much more attractive rate, because for a healthy and harmonious relationship with the people you have to reshape itself, to change its character, learn to open your heart, to listen and hear those who live nearby, constantly seek a balance between private interests and needs of loved ones, and it's not easy.

To build in yourself a brilliant career and live a "free life" is usually much easier, but then most often the same — the inability indefinitely to keep the same person, as in physical pain trying to squeeze the maximum of happiness and joy from the external environment, including business, social status, etc. Sooner or later nevalinna heartache begins to open up, and let's face it, very few people like it.

Often in the letters ask me questions, "Why mom's acting authoritarian?", "Why dad can't be softer?", "Why husband does not accept my negative emotions?", "Why the wife is behaving in a way to make me jealous?", "Why are children moved away and did not want to?", "Why doesn't love me the one I love?", "Why is it so difficult to be kind and attentive to close people?" "Why can't I forgive?", "Why I can't forgive," and that all of this can be done?

The answer in all cases about the same — the people in every moment of life behaves as it can now behave in accordance with their level of spiritual, intellectual and emotional development.

Not running fast, because the foot hurts — it is clear to us, right? Well, that and the tenderness can't be because somewhere something hurts. A good word speaks, because it is not accustomed to this. To forgive is not able to engage in constructive dialogue instead of swearing also does not always work, and we ourselves don't they?

Not always we have enough forces to open up their feelings, for example, and not to shift the responsibility for them to another person. Not always possible to give freedom, to be sensitive to the moods and reactions of loved ones, and sometimes choose to pull away, to run and not much to think about difficulties.

If something goes wrong, you need to understand, and it is a long process usually, internal adjustment has not come at the wave of a magic wand. And as long as you want to be ironic about the fact that someone understands-understands himself and "all the way", but life always puts everything in its place.

Those who choose to move in their pain, sometimes they seem lost, overwhelmed, not very confident and not very knowledgeableand, but the time will come and they will get out of this situation, so no need to sneer. Every person better to do with their own lives, pass their growth stages honestly and thoroughly, and if there are forces to support and share experiences with others going through similar.

Life, in feigned joy and positivism, when all attention is focused on external demonstrations of success and power, usually brings a lot of inner satisfaction. But even when you see that someone lives that way, not wanting to deal with issues of self-healing, gradually comes the understanding that everyone has the right to refuse treatment.

Is there any point to infinity to indicate their parents, siblings, husbands/wives, children and other loved ones on their nevalennyi injury, if the only responses is "Oh, don't touch it, it hurts me, I ran out of here?"

Sometimes you just have to adapt to such behavior and try to avoid contact with the painful areas of the soul of another person. And it is important to understand that a sick person may not behave like healthy. Often draw an analogy with physical health, and it becomes easier to relate to their own limitations and imperfections, and of the behavior of loved ones will also become more clear.


Where missing our women after 50what we call love is actually selfishness and infantilism

In the end, recovery from any ailment in addition to the strength and desire and still want the time. Give yourself time, give your loved ones time, give life to put everything in its place. Engaged not terrorize your loved ones the subjects of development (although the form of life is joy and happiness all around not many forces)! Go, what to do about it. Deal with what you can understand, and the rest learn to accept. The road by walking.published on


Author: Dean Richards


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.facebook.com/dina.v.richards/posts/10153129966944452:0