30 amazing historical photos that you've ever seen!

The website offers the reader an amazing and dramatic photos that make you experience a range of emotions. Even if some of these pictures you have seen, they are worth another look! The little (then) TV in the world, 1966

Photo source: Fishki.netДональд trump, a graduate of new York military Academy, 1964

Soldiers of the elite guard unit of the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi

Big grinding machine, 1913, England

The heavy door, 1979, Livermore, USA

The little man of the 50s (76 cm) Henry Behrens dancing with his cat. UK. 1956

Peggy Fleming (USA), shows off a medal. Olympics. Grenoble. France. 1968

Macaulay Culkin and Michael Jackson. USA. 1991

Driving school. USA. 1953

Attraction "Saturn" in Gorky Park, 1978, Moscow

The soldier with the reindeer on slippery ice near the tiny village of Nautsi in Northern Lapland, 26 Oct 1941, Finland

Creating the left hand of the statue of Liberty, 1882

"Miss New Zealand" faints at the contest "Miss universe", 1954, long beach

Cosmonauts Andrian Nikolayev and Valentina Tereshkova, 1965, Japan

Fishing for lion for a European zoo, 1930, Africa

Blessing of the machine, 1915, France

White girl and a slave, 1880, the Brazilian Empire

Training of milkers, 1927, Canada

Subway new York, 1970-ies, USA

Radiolokatsiya, 1929, USSR

On the Playground in Norilsk, 1960-ies, the USSR

The palanquin with the wheel, in 1900, Korea

Vaccination, 1947, new York, USA
Teenagers go to hook trains, 1971, the Soviet Union

One of the winners of the snow sculpture contest in Davos, 1914, Switzerland

The eunuch of the Imperial court, 1949, China

Girl in a bikini, 1959, Deauville, France
Workers of the London underground study tickets traffic analysis

Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Kratie shows the possible effects of a nuclear explosion at Ottawa, 26 April 1952

Charlie Chaplin with his daughters Josephine and Victoria, 1966

via fishki.net/2132078-30-udivitel'nyh-istoricheskih-fotografij-kotoryh-vy-ewyo-ne-videli.html
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