Puzzle: you have to be a genius to spot the difference between these pictures!
The website says: a genius is a prerequisite to pass this visual test! But is there anyone among our readers of the genius — we get to find out! Yet it is not difficult
Image source: Ofigenno.comtac... What is the mechanism?
Don't you think Mona Lisa is smiling too catty?
The task is complicated, isn't it?
Strange, but today in London is more or less Sunny...
You were not sweating yet?
What a fabulous place! Everything seems the same...
This picture will be for you a real challenge!
Well, as you've all noticed, recorded, remembered? Now let's see, did you manage to find all the differences and whether you call it genius?
It's simple, isn't it?
Some kind of pipe under pressure, that's it. Found the difference?
Now I understand the secret of her smile?
These aliens are not like humans!
Is 5 differences!
What you are missing?
Disneyland turned out to be more insidious than we thought.
If you find in this picture all the differences, congratulations — you are a genius!
via ofigenno.com/tolko-genyi-proydyot-etot-test

Image source: Ofigenno.comtac... What is the mechanism?

Don't you think Mona Lisa is smiling too catty?

The task is complicated, isn't it?

Strange, but today in London is more or less Sunny...

You were not sweating yet?

What a fabulous place! Everything seems the same...

This picture will be for you a real challenge!

Well, as you've all noticed, recorded, remembered? Now let's see, did you manage to find all the differences and whether you call it genius?
It's simple, isn't it?

Some kind of pipe under pressure, that's it. Found the difference?

Now I understand the secret of her smile?

These aliens are not like humans!

Is 5 differences!

What you are missing?

Disneyland turned out to be more insidious than we thought.

If you find in this picture all the differences, congratulations — you are a genius!

via ofigenno.com/tolko-genyi-proydyot-etot-test
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