100 films that hit the audience and critics

Most lists of the best movies are critics. Often, these ratings do not reflect the true preferences of the audience. And fan favorites don't always like the professionals.
We in the Website have found a compromise — the list from Metacritic, which takes into account the preferences of all.
"Boyhood" (2014) — Richard Linklater's "Three colors: Red" (1994) — Krzysztof Kieslowski "Moonlight" (2016) — Barry Jenkins "pan's Labyrinth" (2006) — Guillermo del Toro "Basketball dreams" (1994) — Steve James "4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days" (2007) — Christian, by Cristian Mungiu "12 years a slave" (2013) — Steve McQueen "Ran" (1985) — Akira Kurosawa "Dr. Strangelove or How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb" (1963) — Stanley Kubrick's "Ratatouille" (2007) — brad bird, Jan Pinkava "gravity" (2013) — Alfonso cuarón "Carol" (2015) — Todd Haynes

"The social network" (2010) — David Fincher "number one" (2012) — Kathryn Bigelow "Divorce Nader and Simin" (2011) — Asghar Farhadi "Before midnight" (2013) — Richard Linklater "45 years" (2015) — Andrew hay "the Manchurian Candidate" (1962) — John Frankenheimer's "spirited away" (2001) — Hayao Miyazaki's "pulp fiction" (1994) — Quentin Tarantino's "Miner sheep" (1977) Charles Burnett "William Turner" (2014) — Mike Leigh "the hurt locker" (2008) — Kathryn Bigelow "Toni Erdmann" (2016) — Maren Ade "wall-e" (2008) — Andrew Stanton "sideways" (2004) — Alexander Payne "We were here" (2011) — David Weissman, bill Weber "the Lord of the rings: return of the king" (2003) — Peter Jackson "Puzzle" (2015) — Pete Docter, Ronaldo Del Carmen "Carlos" (2010) — Olivier Assayas "Ghost light" (1995) — Hirokazu Koreeda "Love" (2012) — Michael Haneke

"The servant" (1963) — Joseph losey "reversal of fortune" (1990) — Barbet Schroeder "Crouching tiger, hidden dragon" (2000) — ang Lee's "In the spotlight" (2015) — Tom McCarthy "Schindler's List" (1993) — Steven Spielberg "Jackie" (2016) — Pablo Larrain "Sherpa" (2015) — Jennifer Peedom "SITA sings the Blues" (2008) — Nina Paley's "Days of heaven" (1978) — Terrence Malick "the Crumb" (1994) Terry Zwigoff "Inside llewyn Davis" (2012) — Coen brothers "once More with feeling" (2016) — Andrew Dominik "One and two" (2000) — Edward Yang "the diving bell and the butterfly" (2007) — Julian Schnabel "the Class" (2008) — Laurent cantet "raging bull" (1980) — Martin Scorsese's "35 shots of rum" (2008) — Claire Denis "Star wars. Episode 4: a New hope" (1977) — George Lucas

"Timbuktu" (2014) — Abderrahmane sissako "Oil" (2007) — Paul Thomas Anderson "toy Story" (1995) — John Lasseter "Tower" (2016) — Kate Maitland "the Lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring" (2001) — Peter Jackson "Leviathan" (2014) — Andrey Zvyagintsev "the harmony of Werkmeister" (2000) — Bela Tarr, Agnes Hranitzky "toy Story: the Great escape" (2010), If Unkrich "the Look of silence" (2014) — Joshua Oppenheimer "Asylum" (2004) — Ousmane semen "the Fast runner" (2000) — Zacharias Kunuk "the triplets of Belleville" (2003) — Sylvain, Some "Queen" (2005) — Stephen Frears "Close encounters of the third kind" (1977) — Steven Spielberg "the Stories we tell" (2012) — Sarah Polley "Fits" (2015) — Anna rose kholmer "Taxi" (2015) — Jafar Panahi "Good job" (1999) — Claire Denis "Do right" (1989) — spike Lee "Waltz with Bashir" (2008) — Ari Folman's "the Thirteenth" (2016) — Ava Duvernay "La La land" (2016) — Damien of Sazell

"Secrets and lies" (1996) — Mike Leigh ", the Manchester by the sea" (2016) — Kenneth Lonergan's "Patton" (1970) — Franklin J. Shaffner, "the Old men" (2007) — the Coen brothers "the Gatekeepers" (2012) — Dror Moreh "Nostalgia for the light" (2010) — Patricio guzmán "IDA" (2013) — Paul Pawlikowski "After work" (1985) — Martin Scorsese-the crying game (1992) Neil Jordan "Saving private Ryan" (1998) — Steven Spielberg "Winter's bone" (2010) — Debra Granik "Het" (2014) — Ronit Elkabetz, Shlomi Elkabetz, "Secrets of Los Angeles" (1997) — Curtis Hanson "Bloody Sunday" (2001) — Paul Greengrass "My trip to Italy" (2001) — Martin Scorsese's "Her" (2013) — spike Jones

"The Badlands" (1973) — Terrence Malick "the sweet hereafter" (1997) — Atom Egoyan "the Way of the soul" (2015) — Yang Zhang, "What a beautiful day" (2012) — don Herzfeld's "My perestroika" (2010) — Robin Hessman "finding Nemo" (2003) — Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich "This is not a film" (2011) — Mojtaba Mirtahmasb, Jafar Panahi "Mess" (1999) — Mike Leigh "the Incredibles" (2004) — Brad bird "Before sunset" (2004) — Richard Linklater's "being John Malkovich" (1999) — spike Jones "the Prophet" (2009) — Jacques Audiard Source Metacritic
Photos on the preview Summit Entertainment
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