13 new films, the script of which wrote life itself

Movies based on real events, by definition, can't be boring. Because the prototypes of their characters were often ordinary people, whose share fell hard tests, great feelings or significant historical events.
The website has gathered for you 13 excellent films, the plot of which is watching with bated breath — they are so real and catchy.
The dancer La danseuse

A young girl dreams of becoming a great actress and to conquer America with their talent. And she does it with her light hand is born a new direction of art — modern, and she Mary-Louise became the Muse of the Lumiere brothers and Toulouse-Lautrec. Undoubtedly, bright, very beautiful and sensual picture.
Genius Genius

Story about the difficult friendship of two talented people: the writer Thomas Wolfe and editor max Perkins, who gave the world such great novelists like F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway. In the film, the audience will enjoy a brilliant job of famous actors, a great plot and original literary humor.
Eddie "the eagle" Eddie the Eagle

Eddie's childhood dream to take part in the Olympic games. After numerous attempts and failures, he falls into the British team as trampolinist. The glory really comes to Eddie, but not because of the victory, and thanks to the unwavering fortitude and ability to never give up. Uplifting, good movie, after which you may have an overwhelming desire to get off the couch and to realize his dream.
Snowden Snowden

The story of the man who committed the largest exposure in the world's history. He unveiled secret documents relating to the total U.S. surveillance over its citizens and citizens of other States, thus opening people's eyes to the truth. This truth cost him everything: career, girlfriend and country, who called Snowden a traitor. A tense, exciting movie that will make you once again think about how the laws of our world.
Colonia Colonia Dignidad

German journalist Daniel is kidnapped by the secret police in Chile and after torture sends to the colony Dignidad — a large village, posing as a charitable commune, but in reality is a nest of Nazis, fugitives from the Third Reich. Girl Daniel, flight attendant Lena, alone sent to this terrible place to save a loved one. Emotionally heavy, but definitely worth viewing movie.
For reasons of conscience Hacksaw Ridge

Desmond Doss, a medic in the American army during the Second world war, refuses to kill people. Exactly. During all military operations. He becomes the first in the history of the ideological deviationist and, despite the threat of his own life, a complete misunderstanding and hatred from others, remain true to yourself. Spectacular, large-scale and very human film about the heroism, the reality which does not fit in the head.
A girl from Denmark The Danish Girl

Artist Gerda Wegener asked her husband Einar Wegener to pose as a female model. Because of these pictures of Gerda subsequently gaining popularity, as Einar realizes that he found what he needed in his life. He begins to live under the name Lili Elbe, and becomes the first person who have undergone a surgical sex change. Dramatic movie that will not leave the viewer indifferent.
Legend Legend

The film tells the story of twins Reggie and Ronnie Kray, the iconic figures of the criminal world in the UK of the 1960s. This criminal pattern is generously seasoned with excellent English special bitter humor and spice — the tragic love between Reggie Kray and simple girl Francis. "Legend" is worth a look if only because of Tom hardy and how masterfully he played the roles of two twin brothers at the same time.
Odyssey, L'odyssée

Odyssey is the most ambitious adventure project contemporary French films about Jacques-Yves Cousteau — the hero who opened to mankind the "second space". We will talk about his discoveries, the ship and many of the mysteries of the life of this legendary person. Bright, lively film about a man who has committed the things that everyone told them was impossible.
28 Panfilov

In the autumn of 1941, the German units stationed near Volokolamsk, separated from Moscow some two hours on the highway. However, the highway 316-th infantry division under the command of General I. V. Panfilov. History, which many know from the pages of the most tragic and difficult period of Russian history. Its on-screen version can be treated differently, but to look to form an opinion, definitely worth it.
Guys with guns War Dogs

The story of the lives of two very different guys who just wanted to earn some money, and eventually struck the Pentagon contract for $ 300 million for the supply of weapons. This is not just another creepy Comedy, it is also a good crime with excellent acting.
Deepwater horizon Deepwater Horizon

In 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico on the oil platform "Deepwater horizon" was a terrible crash that shook the whole world. The film shows how ordinary workers are fighting for their lives and the lives of their colleagues. Disaster charged with frightening realism that makes us acknowledge the courage of these people.
Shorting The Big Short

This is the story of a few visionaries that are independently from each other predicted the global economic crisis of 2008 long before it began to suspect on wall Street. And began to earn on it. The film is really fascinating, despite the abundance of complicated economic terms that the audience are very lucidly explain Hollywood stars. If you like to solve complicated puzzles, then this picture is for you.
Photo on preview Fred Films
Materials kinopoisk.ru
See also
100 films that hit the audience and critics
Looked like prototypes of our favorite movie characters in reality
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