Mobile Factory turns ruins in modular building materials
In the event of unforeseen disaster or deliberate demolition system Mobile Factory can arrive at the scene only two commodity containers and immediately begin to shred the ruins and rubble in the new modular building blocks.
Technology Mobile Factory has been developed in the Netherlands. It allows you to separate the concrete from other building materials and then form them into blocks like a huge LEGO. To collect them from home, no additional fastening is not necessary. To use the system, do not need any special equipment or special skills. Mobile Factory allows victims of the destruction of the communities themselves to rebuild their homes.
Built with the help of Mobile Factory home resistant to earthquakes. They are held together with bamboo rods, which pass through the holes in the blocks. These same holes are used for laying communications, sewer and cable. Technology Mobile Factory has already been tested in Haiti, where six years after the earthquake in 2010 was still 25 million tonnes of construction waste. However, such a system would be useful in American cities like Detroit, where authorities demolished entire neighborhoods, and construction waste dumped in landfills. published
Source: urbanurban.ru/blog/technology/1624/Mobile-Factory-prevraschaet-ruiny-v-modulnye-stroitelnye-materialy

Technology Mobile Factory has been developed in the Netherlands. It allows you to separate the concrete from other building materials and then form them into blocks like a huge LEGO. To collect them from home, no additional fastening is not necessary. To use the system, do not need any special equipment or special skills. Mobile Factory allows victims of the destruction of the communities themselves to rebuild their homes.

Built with the help of Mobile Factory home resistant to earthquakes. They are held together with bamboo rods, which pass through the holes in the blocks. These same holes are used for laying communications, sewer and cable. Technology Mobile Factory has already been tested in Haiti, where six years after the earthquake in 2010 was still 25 million tonnes of construction waste. However, such a system would be useful in American cities like Detroit, where authorities demolished entire neighborhoods, and construction waste dumped in landfills. published
Source: urbanurban.ru/blog/technology/1624/Mobile-Factory-prevraschaet-ruiny-v-modulnye-stroitelnye-materialy