10 great buildings, hidden on the seabed
Several years ago, half a mile from the shores of the Gulf of Corinth under a layer of mud were found fragments of buildings. In the course of further investigation revealed the ruins, the remains of buildings that are not other than the architectural structures of the ancient city of Helice which was destroyed by an earthquake in 373 BC. e.Istoriya the ancient city, which is swallowed by the sea, is not unique. Many ruins of ancient settlements lie at the bottom of it, so if the land can not locate the remains of the missing city, archaeologists have to start underwater excavations. As a result of these expeditions it was revealed many secrets of the ancient world.
Website tells the story of the lost city discovered under a layer of water.
Samabah, Guatemala h2> Ancient Mayan city lies at a depth of 35 meters in the waters of Lake Atitlan. I discovered it was only in 1996 diver Roberto Samayoa. Scientists suggest that the city had gone to the bottom of some 2,000 years ago by volcanic activity. The altars, incense and other artifacts indicate that it happened suddenly.
Alexandria, Egypt h2> Due to the earthquake in the year 335 BC. e. most of the ancient Alexandria was flooded. Among the sunken buildings appeared and the legendary Cleopatra's palace. In 1998, archaeologists managed to find the ruins of the city, including the lost palace. It was found more than 140 artifacts. Excavations continue to this day. The researchers do not exclude the possibility of creating an underwater museum.
Pavlopetri, Greece h2> Pavlopetri became the first underwater city that was discovered by archaeologists. Palaces, tombs and other buildings have remained almost in the same way as thousands of years ago. Location city was first mapped in 2009. Archaeologists were surprised to find that the city occupies more than 30, 000 square meters. Presumably, the city went under water in the year 1000 BC. e. as a result of the earthquake.
Atlit-Yam, Israel h2> This is one of the oldest and among the largest ever discovered sunken settlements. The estimated age of the existence of the city - 7000 BC. e. The remains of the ruins are preserved so well that among the buildings can still be found the skeletons of people. City was discovered in 1984. How does the city went under water for scientists it is still a mystery. Researchers have put forward many theories: the tsunami to a gradual increase in sea level due to melting glaciers.
Port Royal, Jamaica h2> The main refuge of pirates, smugglers and other scum after the earthquake in 1692 turned out to be underwater. During the underwater excavation archaeologists have found buildings, historical documents and some canned products. Currently under development are a number of projects to modernize the underwater city into a tourist attraction.
The complex of Yonaguni, Japan h2> near Yonaguni Island in 1985 under a layer of water was discovered a mysterious object - a giant monument to the many terraces. Underwater Pyramid is located at a depth of 25 meters. Presumably, the age of the monument is more than 5000 years. Who built it, and under what circumstances he was under water for scientists remains a mystery.
Heracleon and Canopus, Egypt h2> Heracleon and Canopus called sister cities, guarding the gates of Egypt. More than 1,200 years ago, after the flood, they disappeared under the water. Presumably, the city had been built over the giant voids filled with water, and at some point under the weight of structures they have failed. Before their discovery in 1999, the only evidence of their existence remained manuscripts historians and stories from mythology. Ancient ruins have been found at a depth of 7 meters. With its numerous temples, statues and buildings, both cities were literally frozen in time.
Bailly, Italy h2> During the heyday of the Roman Empire Bailly was a favorite place among the aristocracy. The city was destroyed in the 8th century BC by Muslim invaders, and by 1500 was completely abandoned. Due to the volcanic activity over time the city went under water.
Dwarka, India h2> Ancient Dwarka located on the banks of the river Gomti. It is believed that as a result of specific events it submerged. The ruins were discovered in 2000 at a depth of 35 meters in the Gulf of Cambay. Age raised some artifacts dated back to the year 7500 BC. e.
Unknown ruins, Yucatan Channel, Cuba h2> off the coast of Cuba in 2000, the group of scientists has discovered underwater ruins of the ancient city. Archaeologists suggest that the structures were built several thousand years of civilization. So far, scientists have only computer models of the city and they continue to explore megalithic ruins.
Website tells the story of the lost city discovered under a layer of water.