Frame flats 2 weeks
Overcrowding of cities, long construction cycle concrete high-rise buildings and expensive apartments makes construction firms to look for ways to solve these problems. Engineers from Sweden offer their own version of prefabricated homes Assembly-line production of modular timber frame buildings.
Eight million three hundred sixty eight thousand seven hundred eighty six
Although the idea of mass production of houses is not new, the Swedes decided to look at manufacturing in new ways. They used an approach typical for the automotive industry. Engineers designed a modular prefab units assembled on the production line. The blocks are reminiscent of the houses built from shipping containers.
Ninety eight million eight hundred sixty six thousand six hundred seventy six
The standard module length is about 9 m, width 4 m, height of ceilings — 3 meters.
Nineteen million eight hundred fifty seven thousand six hundred ninety seven
The blocks are transported to the construction site by heavy-load trailers, where they put one on the other or (large building) is inserted in post-and-beam space frame. All loads are pre-calculated on the computer. On assurances of designers, their applied technology and the rigidity of the frame allows to build houses up to 6 floors.
Fifty seven million thirty two thousand three hundred forty five
The installation process reminds the Assembly of the designer. Units installed on pre-made Foundation, after which a team of builders ankerite modules and connect all the necessary communications. The owner only have to bring furniture and start living in a new place.
Five million five hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred thirty five
Thus, for 10-14 days to erect apartment house in 3-5 or more floors.The whole process of module production is fully automated and is computer controlled, which minimized the so-called "human factor".
Nine million seventy one thousand six hundred thirty eight
Every step, from cutting boards to size and ending with the output conveyor ready domokomplekta painted by the minute.
Twenty two million five hundred thirty four thousand seven hundred forty one
This allows the company to produce each week to 1,200 sq m of living space and collect 20 apartments every 7 days.
Ninety seven million five hundred eighteen thousand thirty two
To accelerate the process of building a home each unit is fully finished, insulated. Inside held all the necessary communications, installed energy-efficient Windows and doors.
Ninety million nine hundred forty six thousand one hundred fifty nine
As shown, the greatest demand housing are the owners of College campuses, hotels and property owners who give apartments for rent. Moreover, depending on the preference of the buyer, pre-selected exterior and interior, the set of "ingeneri" and, optionally, the block dimensions. If necessary, the line (in the style of the auto industry) can be reconfigured quickly, and amended in accordance with the needs of the customer.
Twenty two million seven hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred twenty one
For example, it is possible to order the external finish of "rock" and "plaster" to make the curtain wall or to decorate the facade of the tree. All the innovations are available on the computer in the 3D Visualizer.
Sixty four million eight hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred fifty eight
Due to this, you can "play" with the design and build attractive housing. In addition, the company works in close Association with architects and landscape designers. Swedes emphasize that buyers or tenants of such housing, except for one, two or three bedroom apartments are affordable infrastructure — access roads, energy and water supply, stores and medical facilities.
Sixty four million twenty nine thousand eight hundred thirty eight
The design of the houses is chosen with a clear reference to a specific location, so that they looked alien objects and fit into the urban landscape.
Sixty three million four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred eighty nine
Thus, the Swedes can as soon as possible to build whole neighborhoods of cheap, quality and affordable housing. If necessary, the units can be disassembled and transported to another location.The project was so successful and popular that the developers plan to 2018 to triple the manufacture and to engage in the production of prefabricated houses for export. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.forumhouse.ru/articles/house/6591
Eight million three hundred sixty eight thousand seven hundred eighty six
Although the idea of mass production of houses is not new, the Swedes decided to look at manufacturing in new ways. They used an approach typical for the automotive industry. Engineers designed a modular prefab units assembled on the production line. The blocks are reminiscent of the houses built from shipping containers.
Ninety eight million eight hundred sixty six thousand six hundred seventy six
The standard module length is about 9 m, width 4 m, height of ceilings — 3 meters.
Nineteen million eight hundred fifty seven thousand six hundred ninety seven
The blocks are transported to the construction site by heavy-load trailers, where they put one on the other or (large building) is inserted in post-and-beam space frame. All loads are pre-calculated on the computer. On assurances of designers, their applied technology and the rigidity of the frame allows to build houses up to 6 floors.
Fifty seven million thirty two thousand three hundred forty five
The installation process reminds the Assembly of the designer. Units installed on pre-made Foundation, after which a team of builders ankerite modules and connect all the necessary communications. The owner only have to bring furniture and start living in a new place.
Five million five hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred thirty five
Thus, for 10-14 days to erect apartment house in 3-5 or more floors.The whole process of module production is fully automated and is computer controlled, which minimized the so-called "human factor".
Nine million seventy one thousand six hundred thirty eight
Every step, from cutting boards to size and ending with the output conveyor ready domokomplekta painted by the minute.
Twenty two million five hundred thirty four thousand seven hundred forty one
This allows the company to produce each week to 1,200 sq m of living space and collect 20 apartments every 7 days.
Ninety seven million five hundred eighteen thousand thirty two
To accelerate the process of building a home each unit is fully finished, insulated. Inside held all the necessary communications, installed energy-efficient Windows and doors.
Ninety million nine hundred forty six thousand one hundred fifty nine
As shown, the greatest demand housing are the owners of College campuses, hotels and property owners who give apartments for rent. Moreover, depending on the preference of the buyer, pre-selected exterior and interior, the set of "ingeneri" and, optionally, the block dimensions. If necessary, the line (in the style of the auto industry) can be reconfigured quickly, and amended in accordance with the needs of the customer.
Twenty two million seven hundred twenty seven thousand three hundred twenty one
For example, it is possible to order the external finish of "rock" and "plaster" to make the curtain wall or to decorate the facade of the tree. All the innovations are available on the computer in the 3D Visualizer.
Sixty four million eight hundred eighty five thousand seven hundred fifty eight
Due to this, you can "play" with the design and build attractive housing. In addition, the company works in close Association with architects and landscape designers. Swedes emphasize that buyers or tenants of such housing, except for one, two or three bedroom apartments are affordable infrastructure — access roads, energy and water supply, stores and medical facilities.
Sixty four million twenty nine thousand eight hundred thirty eight
The design of the houses is chosen with a clear reference to a specific location, so that they looked alien objects and fit into the urban landscape.
Sixty three million four hundred eighty one thousand three hundred eighty nine
Thus, the Swedes can as soon as possible to build whole neighborhoods of cheap, quality and affordable housing. If necessary, the units can be disassembled and transported to another location.The project was so successful and popular that the developers plan to 2018 to triple the manufacture and to engage in the production of prefabricated houses for export. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.forumhouse.ru/articles/house/6591