Learn how facial features affect your image in the eyes of others
They say you should never judge a book by its cover, important content. The first impression is often correct. However, it affects the further development of Dating.
The website will tell you what facial features define your image in the eyes of other people and how to manage this impression.
Scientists believe all of the emotions reflected on his face.
Our brain in a fraction of second to recognize micro-expressions of the interviewee and tells us whether we like this or not. The first impression plays a key role. It is therefore important to know what characteristics of a person affect your image in the eyes of others.
Recent research on the role of facial features in achieving success proved that people with the appearance of the leader are more likely to obtain a leadership position.
Smile is associated with reliability and responsiveness. The size of the eyes determines the degree of your attractiveness and even visibly ages or rejuvenates. Masculine facial features are considered a sign of a powerful man. An important angle of the face and even skin color.
Some of the features tell me how reliable are you. These people unconsciously judge whether you can be trusted and whether or not to lend you.
But how to understand what makes us in the eyes of honest, competent or powerful? One of the first and simple signs — we smile or frown in response to the interlocutor.
The first impression of the new acquaintance is the sum of the smallest detail. At the meeting, we spontaneously appreciate the slightest change in facial expression, pay attention to the shape of the brow or the cheekbones.
We need only 40 milliseconds to form an impression of the stranger. Even children aged 3-4 years can determine at a glance, "good" people or "bad".
During the interview or when meeting with parents of the future spouse looks can decide your fate.
One consolation is that in this situation we both prosecutors and victims. We tend to judge people by their looks and themselves get an unfair evaluation of others only by their appearance.
And it's true that we have to face.
Photos on the preview Depositphotos
BBC, Ssociologos
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