The presidential candidate had died and gone to hell. If you only knew what done to him by the devil
Forty two million five hundred twenty nine thousand six hundred sixty five
The website says that's pretty good! One presidential candidate was hit by a car and died. His soul goes to heaven, where at the gates she meets St. Peter.
— Welcome to Paradise, says Peter. — However, there's been a hitch. You see, we rarely get to see such high-ranking guests, and we don't know what to do with you.
— Nothing, just let — responsible policies.
I would love to, but I have orders. You're supposed to spend a day in hell and day in heaven and then choose where to remain for eternity.
Really? Yes, I already know. I want to go to heaven.
I'm sorry, but we have rules.
And with these words of St. Peter assigns the policy to the Elevator, which descends lower and lower in hell.
The doors open, and the politician sees a green lawn Golf course. In the distance a white building of the club, and before him are all his friends and colleagues from a past life.
Among them are the devil good-natured guy who loves to dance and crack jokes.
Starts unbridled joy, and the politician did not even notice how time flew. All saying goodbye and waving their hands, and he sits down in the Elevator and goes upstairs.
The Elevator rises higher and higher. Finally the doors open, and he sees SV. Peter.
— Now it is time to visit Paradise, he says.
The whole day politician examines Paradise in the company of happy souls who flit from cloud to cloud, playing harps and singing Psalms. For some reason this is very fun, and again, the time passes quickly.
Here the returned SV. Peter and says:
— Well, you spent a day in hell and day in heaven. Now choose where you would like to spend eternity!
The politician thought for a moment and says:
Well, I am surprised at myself, that is you have here in heaven, everything is fine and everything, but I would prefer to stay in hell.
SV. Peter escorts him to the Elevator, and the politician goes down, down, down — into the Inferno.
The doors open, and he sees around scorched desert with heaps of stinking garbage. Among them roam his friends, dressed in rags; they collect garbage in black bags, and the upper falls again and again.
The devil comes along and puts a hand on the shoulder of a policy.
I don't understand — mumbles politician. — Yesterday there was a Golf course, we sat in the club, ate lobster, caviar, drank champagne, danced and had fun! And now there's some trash, and my friends clearly unhappy. What happened?
The devil smiles and replies:
— Yesterday was the campaign. And today you voted!
via lifter.com.ua/post/4551
The website says that's pretty good! One presidential candidate was hit by a car and died. His soul goes to heaven, where at the gates she meets St. Peter.
— Welcome to Paradise, says Peter. — However, there's been a hitch. You see, we rarely get to see such high-ranking guests, and we don't know what to do with you.
— Nothing, just let — responsible policies.
I would love to, but I have orders. You're supposed to spend a day in hell and day in heaven and then choose where to remain for eternity.
Really? Yes, I already know. I want to go to heaven.
I'm sorry, but we have rules.
And with these words of St. Peter assigns the policy to the Elevator, which descends lower and lower in hell.
The doors open, and the politician sees a green lawn Golf course. In the distance a white building of the club, and before him are all his friends and colleagues from a past life.
Among them are the devil good-natured guy who loves to dance and crack jokes.
Starts unbridled joy, and the politician did not even notice how time flew. All saying goodbye and waving their hands, and he sits down in the Elevator and goes upstairs.
The Elevator rises higher and higher. Finally the doors open, and he sees SV. Peter.
— Now it is time to visit Paradise, he says.
The whole day politician examines Paradise in the company of happy souls who flit from cloud to cloud, playing harps and singing Psalms. For some reason this is very fun, and again, the time passes quickly.
Here the returned SV. Peter and says:
— Well, you spent a day in hell and day in heaven. Now choose where you would like to spend eternity!
The politician thought for a moment and says:
Well, I am surprised at myself, that is you have here in heaven, everything is fine and everything, but I would prefer to stay in hell.
SV. Peter escorts him to the Elevator, and the politician goes down, down, down — into the Inferno.
The doors open, and he sees around scorched desert with heaps of stinking garbage. Among them roam his friends, dressed in rags; they collect garbage in black bags, and the upper falls again and again.
The devil comes along and puts a hand on the shoulder of a policy.
I don't understand — mumbles politician. — Yesterday there was a Golf course, we sat in the club, ate lobster, caviar, drank champagne, danced and had fun! And now there's some trash, and my friends clearly unhappy. What happened?
The devil smiles and replies:
— Yesterday was the campaign. And today you voted!
via lifter.com.ua/post/4551