IMPORTANT! Indicates an unpleasant chemical smell in household goods
Using everyday things from everyday life, we rarely think about their safety. It is hard to imagine that an ordinary basin for washing can be a threat to health or danger to pregnant women. Even harder to imagine that a child playing on beautiful, soft carpet, exposed to toxic chemicals. Why household items are potential destroyers of our health, can be understood by examining their composition.
Phthalates in household items
One of the most dangerous chemicals are representatives of the class of phthalates. It is affordable and cheap component of most plastic products, perfumes and cosmetics. Use of phthalates not only small producers but also major international networks, so no harmful phthalates in the product is still not guaranteed a high price.
List all kinds of goods, where the presence of these chemical compounds, it is difficult, a lot of them: household chemicals, medical products, children's toys and accessories, carpets and linoleum, and more.
Manufacturers can hide the presence of the product of phthalates, but their presence in some cases produces a distinctive unpleasant chemical smell. Being a member of the product they eventually released into the air and enter the human body if inhaled, accumulate in it. To alert the buyer will have the following abbreviations in the composition of the package: BBP, DNOP, DHP, DIDP, DBP, DEHP, DEP.
What's the harm of phthalates
The essence of their harmful effects on human lies in the fact that the molecules of phthalates similar to the molecules of the female hormone estrogen, and have inhibitory effects on other hormone – testosterone. For men such reactions pose a threat to the sexual sphere, for example, possible deterioration of the quality of the sperm. In addition, both men and women can get from phthalates allergic reactions that trigger asthma, and children can have mental disorders.
But the greatest danger phthalates pose to pregnant women. They easily penetrate the placental barrier, threatening the health of the fetus. Modern researches of scientists from Beijing confirmed earlier assumptions about the relationship between phthalates and risk of autism in children and reduced intelligence in early childhood.
You will be inetersno:
This experiment proved that deodorants it's time to throw awaySoup melamine: People the grass is not food, and utensils!
To fence themselves from this malicious chemistry is difficult, but possible. This should avoid the use of products from low-cost plastic, rubber, products with a pungent chemical odor, but also carefully examine the product. Vigilance when making a purchase can protect the health of not only the person but also his future generations.published
Source: my-health.ru/content/293-ftalaty-komfort-s-ugrozoy-dlya-zdorovya
Phthalates in household items
One of the most dangerous chemicals are representatives of the class of phthalates. It is affordable and cheap component of most plastic products, perfumes and cosmetics. Use of phthalates not only small producers but also major international networks, so no harmful phthalates in the product is still not guaranteed a high price.
List all kinds of goods, where the presence of these chemical compounds, it is difficult, a lot of them: household chemicals, medical products, children's toys and accessories, carpets and linoleum, and more.
Manufacturers can hide the presence of the product of phthalates, but their presence in some cases produces a distinctive unpleasant chemical smell. Being a member of the product they eventually released into the air and enter the human body if inhaled, accumulate in it. To alert the buyer will have the following abbreviations in the composition of the package: BBP, DNOP, DHP, DIDP, DBP, DEHP, DEP.
What's the harm of phthalates
The essence of their harmful effects on human lies in the fact that the molecules of phthalates similar to the molecules of the female hormone estrogen, and have inhibitory effects on other hormone – testosterone. For men such reactions pose a threat to the sexual sphere, for example, possible deterioration of the quality of the sperm. In addition, both men and women can get from phthalates allergic reactions that trigger asthma, and children can have mental disorders.
But the greatest danger phthalates pose to pregnant women. They easily penetrate the placental barrier, threatening the health of the fetus. Modern researches of scientists from Beijing confirmed earlier assumptions about the relationship between phthalates and risk of autism in children and reduced intelligence in early childhood.
You will be inetersno:
This experiment proved that deodorants it's time to throw awaySoup melamine: People the grass is not food, and utensils!
To fence themselves from this malicious chemistry is difficult, but possible. This should avoid the use of products from low-cost plastic, rubber, products with a pungent chemical odor, but also carefully examine the product. Vigilance when making a purchase can protect the health of not only the person but also his future generations.published
Source: my-health.ru/content/293-ftalaty-komfort-s-ugrozoy-dlya-zdorovya
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