37 mistakes that shorten the life of appliances
Forty nine million seven hundred seventy nine thousand one hundred twenty two
Quite often the equipment breaks down due to the fact that we are too lazy to treat her right, don't read the instructions and do something wrong.
The website has collected tips to help your appliances will not break prematurely, and will even last longer.
Washing machine
According to the materials of the village
See also
20 things to clean, which we do not have enough
20 tricks that'll save a lot of time when cleaning
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/20-hitrostej-kotorye-sekonomyat-kuchu-vremeni-pri-uborke-1179010/
Quite often the equipment breaks down due to the fact that we are too lazy to treat her right, don't read the instructions and do something wrong.
The website has collected tips to help your appliances will not break prematurely, and will even last longer.
Washing machine

- Do not place the machine heavy objects and stand on it.
- Be sure to check all pockets and remove from them the remaining fines before washing.
- Do not use when washing anything except a special washing machine detergent and softener. Powder for hand washing foams too much and can cause breakage.

- Wipe the rubber parts inside the machine after each wash, extract and dry compartment for powder and rinse aid. If this is not done, the machine can be formed mold. Compartment should be washed periodically.
- Get in here and unload the car as soon as she finishes the Laundry. If heavy wet linen will long lie in, this may damage the drum.
- If your typewriter has no special programs for self-cleaning is necessary about once a month run an empty machine program, with maximum heating water, and a compartment for powder add lemon juice, vinegar or descaling agent.

- Proper care of the refrigerator begins when it has not even came to your home. Refrigerators must be transported upright and do not tilt more than 40 degrees. Otherwise the oil from the compressor may leak and damage the whole system.
- Oil may be in the compressor and in that case, if you turn the refrigerator immediately after you brought him in. Wait for about four and better six hours, if you are sure that the refrigerator is not tilted during transportation. If you are not sure, better wait for about 15 hours.

- Do not put in the refrigerator hot food, be sure to let them cool.
- Modern models do not require complete defrosting twice a year. But occasionally it is worth to clean the fridge completely, disconnecting it from the network.
- Don't forget that the rear part of the refrigerator from time to time must be cleaned of dust with a vacuum cleaner. Of course, before that, the refrigerator should be unplugged from the power outlet.

- Do not put in the slow cooker dirty or wet the outside of the pan, it will lead to breakage.
- It is important to wipe the inside lid of the slow cooker each time after cooking, if it cannot be removed. It may accumulate moisture, oily fumes and leftover food.

- Do not rinse grains in a pot from the slow cooker to avoid scratching it. For the same reason, wash the pan just a soft sponge.
- Keep all the ingredients were below the maximum.

- Properly position your dishes in the machine upside down.
- Before you put the dishes inside, be sure to clean it from any residue of food and fat — it is best to rinse it in the sink.
- Peel from the plates and cups paper stickers — they can clog the filters.
- Placing items in the car, make sure they do not touch each other and do not block the rotation of the water spray.

- Use only special powder and tablets. Regular liquid for washing dishes, filled the dishwasher will result in breakage.
- It is important to keep small items and Cutlery has not fallen — they can block rotating parts, so place them correctly.
- Always fill and put in the car all the necessary ingredients: salt and rinse aid. They not only improve the wash quality, but also prolong the service life of the machine.

- Products that weigh very little, it is better not to heat alone. Warm them together with a glass of water, so he took part of the waves themselves.
- Better not to put anything in the microwave. But if necessary, keep items from clogging the vent.
- Never operate an empty oven is a magnetron (the device generating microwaves) can easily break.
- Do not put in oven too heavy (maximum weight specified in the instructions to each individual device).

- Do not use utensils, not suitable for microwave — it can cause a fire.
- Do not heat the product longer than necessary.
- And, of course, promptly remove food residues and grease from the walls of the device means soft.

- Avoid contact toaster water, do not use it with wet hands. Keep nowhere near flammable objects such as curtains.
- Fry in the toaster can only dry bread or pastry. Bread and scones in glaze, butter or cream to cook in the toaster impossible.
- If you use the toaster every day, it is necessary to clean the inside from crumbs once a week. Don't forget before cleaning remove the plug from the socket.
- Do not use the appliance for chopping too hot, just cooked food. It is necessary to wait until they have cooled at least up to 70-80°C.
- Compartment with the engine it is best to limit the ingress of moisture. To clean it, you need to take a wet cloth and wipe the body.

- Do not turn on blender for a very long time to avoid overheating the motor.
- It is not recommended to use a blender when grinding dry ingredients such as crackers.
According to the materials of the village
See also
20 things to clean, which we do not have enough
20 tricks that'll save a lot of time when cleaning
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/20-hitrostej-kotorye-sekonomyat-kuchu-vremeni-pri-uborke-1179010/
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