Trade stocks: which exchange to choose?

There are statistics, under which short-term traders leave from trading shares for one year. However, the real benefit to bring a long-term strategy that is designed for the long-term presence in the stock market. Major stock exchanges are known for having an established audience, in which the years are classic versions of stock trading.
The problem of Vybornova traders are attracted to the world of buying and selling shares the ability to earn, relying on their own intuition and analytical skills. In addition, the stock market can legally protect their savings from inflation. Each trader decides for himself: to play on domestic exchanges or foreign. At the same time as foreign issuers, and Russian is ready to pay its shareholders in foreign currencies, which brings a large income.
The experience of the American exchanges are estimated not by one century. A successful trader, accustomed to rely on the authority of venerable financial institutions can use the experience of Americans in their favor.
The first brokerage agreement was signed in new York in 1792. It was attended by 20 players. The very fact of signing was established first new York securities. As you can see, since then, it took a lot of time to ensure that all stock transactions were honed to perfection.
Currently, this stock exchange of new York has nearly fifteen thousand members. As a rule, most of them are individuals. However, if one of the exchange members is the co-owner of the company, the whole company is also considered a participant of the exchange.
This is one of the most famous exchanges in the global financial world, so the listing requirements are quite strict:
• The company that is a party to the exchange processes should be in circulation at least 1 million shares.
• The company's profit shall not be less than two and a half million dollars a year. It means pure profit without paying tax.
• Full lot on the stock exchange of new York has 100 shares.
Thus, this organization was created only for the big players, ready to make serious investments to maximize profits.
If you are considering buying shares, as a way to quickly and fabulously rich, but want to safely invest their money without further ADO — please note not on the market, and online stores stock, for example: https://freedom24.ru/

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