"Shagane you my Shagane!": who was the girl that inspired Yesenin on a series of poems "Persian motives"
For a long time about a girl named Shagane mentioned in the collection of poems by Sergei Yesenin "Persian motifs", nothing was known, even biographers have speculated that she was a fictitious character. However, the researcher of creativity of Yesenin, V. Belousov managed to find the girl who inspired the poet to create the famous poem "Shagane you my Shagane".
The source of the photos: Kulturologia.ruthe Website publishes for its readers great article in the online journal "Cultural studies".
Yesenin was fond of Oriental poetry and wanted to see the homeland of the Persian poets. In Persia to visit him failed, but in 1924-1925 he made a trip to the Caucasus. During your stay in Batumi, the poet met a young Armenian teacher Shagane Talyan. They have a mutual sympathy. Esenin gave her his book with a dedicatory inscription, asked her for a picture memory, but since his departure from Batumi, their communication ceased, and he did not attempt to renew it. In 1958, Belousov found Shagane, and she sent him the autobiography and memoirs about Yesenin.
Shagane Talyan wrote about the fact that she was born in the family of a priest and a teacher. In 1924, at the time of meeting with Yesenin, the girl was teaching arithmetic in an Armenian school. Many of the details of communicating with the poet, she was unable to recover — since then it has been almost 35 years, the diary Shagane not conducted, and some moments erased from the memory. But her memories still contain many interesting facts.
Shagane remembered how she first saw Yesenin: "in December, 1924, I left school and went home. At the corner I noticed a young man above average height, slender, brown hair, in soft hat and the travel Mac on top of the grey suit. Struck by his unusual appearance, and I thought he was a visitor from the capital. On the same day in the evening Joffe came into the room with the words: "Katra, Katra, a famous Russian poet wants to get acquainted with our Shagane". Yesenin Povetkin was at this time she. We went. After we met, I asked all to go for a walk in the Park."
On the third day when the poet gave the girl a poem that later became the most famous from the series "Persian motifs": "it Was cloudy, the sea was getting rough. We said Hello, and offered to Yesenin Boulevard, stating that he does not like this weather better and read me poetry. He read "Shagane you my Shagane..." and then gave me two piece plaid squared notebook paper on which the poem was written. In one of our subsequent meetings which now took place almost daily, he read a new poem, "You said that Saadi..."".
Esenin belonged to the girl, careful and attentive, their communication was gentle and chaste: "When Yesenin met me in the company of other men, for example, my fellow teachers, then went up himself acquainted with them, but went necessarily with me. Would always bring flowers, sometimes rose, but more often with violets. On 4 January he brought a book of his poems "Moscow tavern", with autograph, written in pencil: "Dear, my Shagane, You are sweet and nice to me. Sergei Yesenin. 4.1.25 g, Batum".
Esenin Shagane remember a man of sensitive and sympathetic, "Then often found homeless, and used none of them left without attention will stop, will ask where he lives, will give the child money. See a stray dog, buy her a loaf of bread, sausage, feed and caress. Once I got sick, and my sister went to the service. All three days while I was sick, Sergei Aleksandrovich in the morning was to me, made tea, talked, read poems from the "Anthology of Armenian poetry"".
Their communication ended before the poet left: "Shortly before his departure, he increasingly indulged in sprees and began to visit us less often. In the evening, on the eve of departure, Sergey came to us and announced that he was leaving. He said he would never forget me, gently said goodbye to me, but did not want to, I and sister accompanied him. Letters from him I also received. S. A. Esenin and prior to the end of days will be bright memories of my life."
via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/011016/31586/

The source of the photos: Kulturologia.ruthe Website publishes for its readers great article in the online journal "Cultural studies".

Yesenin was fond of Oriental poetry and wanted to see the homeland of the Persian poets. In Persia to visit him failed, but in 1924-1925 he made a trip to the Caucasus. During your stay in Batumi, the poet met a young Armenian teacher Shagane Talyan. They have a mutual sympathy. Esenin gave her his book with a dedicatory inscription, asked her for a picture memory, but since his departure from Batumi, their communication ceased, and he did not attempt to renew it. In 1958, Belousov found Shagane, and she sent him the autobiography and memoirs about Yesenin.

Shagane Talyan wrote about the fact that she was born in the family of a priest and a teacher. In 1924, at the time of meeting with Yesenin, the girl was teaching arithmetic in an Armenian school. Many of the details of communicating with the poet, she was unable to recover — since then it has been almost 35 years, the diary Shagane not conducted, and some moments erased from the memory. But her memories still contain many interesting facts.

Shagane remembered how she first saw Yesenin: "in December, 1924, I left school and went home. At the corner I noticed a young man above average height, slender, brown hair, in soft hat and the travel Mac on top of the grey suit. Struck by his unusual appearance, and I thought he was a visitor from the capital. On the same day in the evening Joffe came into the room with the words: "Katra, Katra, a famous Russian poet wants to get acquainted with our Shagane". Yesenin Povetkin was at this time she. We went. After we met, I asked all to go for a walk in the Park."

On the third day when the poet gave the girl a poem that later became the most famous from the series "Persian motifs": "it Was cloudy, the sea was getting rough. We said Hello, and offered to Yesenin Boulevard, stating that he does not like this weather better and read me poetry. He read "Shagane you my Shagane..." and then gave me two piece plaid squared notebook paper on which the poem was written. In one of our subsequent meetings which now took place almost daily, he read a new poem, "You said that Saadi..."".

Esenin belonged to the girl, careful and attentive, their communication was gentle and chaste: "When Yesenin met me in the company of other men, for example, my fellow teachers, then went up himself acquainted with them, but went necessarily with me. Would always bring flowers, sometimes rose, but more often with violets. On 4 January he brought a book of his poems "Moscow tavern", with autograph, written in pencil: "Dear, my Shagane, You are sweet and nice to me. Sergei Yesenin. 4.1.25 g, Batum".

Esenin Shagane remember a man of sensitive and sympathetic, "Then often found homeless, and used none of them left without attention will stop, will ask where he lives, will give the child money. See a stray dog, buy her a loaf of bread, sausage, feed and caress. Once I got sick, and my sister went to the service. All three days while I was sick, Sergei Aleksandrovich in the morning was to me, made tea, talked, read poems from the "Anthology of Armenian poetry"".

Their communication ended before the poet left: "Shortly before his departure, he increasingly indulged in sprees and began to visit us less often. In the evening, on the eve of departure, Sergey came to us and announced that he was leaving. He said he would never forget me, gently said goodbye to me, but did not want to, I and sister accompanied him. Letters from him I also received. S. A. Esenin and prior to the end of days will be bright memories of my life."

via www.kulturologia.ru/blogs/011016/31586/
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