Alternative sleep cycles: stretch your day

I have a friend who once wanted to sleep in the night only two hours and with virtually no experience of fatigue. I dream that on certain days in the day was not twenty-four, and even thirty-six hours.
Comrades workaholics and other creative people, I have good news for you! Stretch the day to thirty-six hours, of course, impossible, but to sleep less and stay awake longer very real! Because except for most of the usual cycle of “6-8 hours of sleep, 16-18 hours of wakefulness” there are four more, which can produce miracles
So, besides the usual for the majority of the single-phase sleep cycle, there are other options multiphase, which can help to extend your working day and not harm your health. Jordan Leguan (Jordan Lejuwaan), Creator of HighExistence, share interesting information.
Uberman Цикл

This cycle includes sleep for 20-30 minutes every four hours. The result is that you sleep six times a day. Uberman cycle is considered very effective – people feel more healthy, feel a surge of strength and I see very vivid dreams. But it has one major drawback: if you miss at least one phase of sleep, will feel not enough sleep and tired.
Steve Pavlina practiced this cycle for 5.5 months, but then returned to normal sleep in order to live in harmony with your family.
Ordinary цикл

This cycle includes one “primary” long dream (1-1,5 hours) and three or four or five short sleep for twenty minutes. The remaining time after the main sleep is divided so that a brief respite occurred at equal intervals of time.
This schedule is considered more flexible, it is easier to adapt and it can be combined with single-phase sleep cycle for three to four hours. In addition, sometimes you can ignore “short dreams” without harm for health.
Dymaxion Цикл

Bucky fuller brought this sleep cycle based on his belief that a person has two tanks with energy. And if the first tank is very easy to refill, the second (second wind) funded much more readily. Eventually he began to sleep for thirty minutes 4 times a day every six hours, which amounted to only two hours of sleep! However, he said that has never felt more energetic. The doctor examined Tanks after two years of this cycle and declared him completely healthy.
At the moment it is the most extreme of the four alternative, but also the most effective sleep cycle.
Two-phase cycle or seestaedt dream is practiced by many pupils of the senior classes and students and includes four to four and a half hours of sleep a night and about an hour and a half a day. This cycle is not much different from single phase, but still a little more effective.
Go to new multiphase cycles is not so simple and about from the third to the tenth day you will feel like a zombie. Just be patient, eat a healthy low-fat food and all will be well. After about two weeks you will feel the promised result.
Similar experiments can be conducted only if you know exactly what you have in stock two or three absolutely free week and that your work and study will be able to cohabit with your new schedule. As in other matters, and your family.
Source: lifehacker.ru/2011/12/13/alternativnye-cikly-sna-rastyagivaem-svoi-sutki/