Odessa 1982 through the eyes of a British photojournalist. Awesome colorful collection!

British photojournalist Ian berry was born in 1934 in Preston, Lancashire. His name became widely known when he worked in South Africa for the Daily Mail and later for Drum magazine. In 1964, Barry moved to London and began working in the Observer Magazine. Since then, he has traveled the world, taking documentary photographs reflecting the social and political struggles in China, the Republic of Congo, Czechoslovakia, Ethiopia, Israel, Ireland, Vietnam and countries of the former Soviet Union.
In 1982 Ian berry visited Odessa and took a series of photos about the life of Soviet Odessa. The website wants to show the reader a selection of these incredibly colorful and atmospheric photo.
Potemkin stairs

Photo source: Cameralabs.org

In front of the colonnade of the Vorontsov Palace

At the monument to Duke Emmanuel de Richelieu and the famous Potemkin stairs

Rehearsing a puppet show in the theater

In Shevchenko Park

In the background the Opera house

Starokon market

The Cathedral of St. Panteleimon

One of the students at Stolyarsky music school playing the violin with a piano accompaniment

Beer kiosk

Woman trying to sell flowers to the man

Events in the city centre

Women on the market

Visitors admire the view from the Potemkin stairs

Speech gymnasts

On the beach

Ukrainian ballet troupe performs on stage of the Odessa Opera and ballet theatre

At the plant "Stroygidravlika", which produces engines for cranes, excavators, etc.

The Museum

The music school of Stolyarsky

On the beach
Ballerinas during a rehearsal

In kindergarten

Children rehearse the play

On the beach

Grocery store

In the Park

Odessa theatre of Opera and ballet. The frame is made in just a few minutes before the speech

via cameralabs.org/10731-odessa-v-1982-godu-snimki-britanskogo-fotozhurnalista-iena-berri
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